These Books Made Me
These Books Made Me
Survivor: These Books Made Me Part 2
We're back post-merge and our Mattel and Pleasant tribes are now the Pattel tribe. Will there be friction in the now combined tribe? Who will be the first member of the jury? Will any of the immunity idols come into play? We're debating personality traits, just how far Katniss's Rue guilt will go, whether Kirsten even needs the money given her dead man's chest of treasure back home, and much more in this, our final TBMM tribal council.
These Books Made Me is a podcast about the literary heroines who shaped us and is a product of the Prince George's County Memorial Library System podcast network. Stay in touch with us via Twitter @PGCMLS with #TheseBooksMadeMe, on Instagram @TheseBooksMadeMe or by email at TheseBooksMadeMe@pgcmls.info. For recommended readalikes and deep dives into topics related to each episode, visit our blog at https://pgcmls.medium.com/.
And now the conclusion.
Speaker 2:Hi, I am
Speaker 3:Howa . I'm Heather. I'm Hannah. I'm Darlene.
Speaker 2:And this is our podcast. These books may me , today we have a very special guest with us for a very special episode. Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us what we'll be doing today?
Speaker 4:I'm Kelsey and I'm back.
Speaker 1:Woo . Thank you. <laugh> . And
Speaker 4:I am a fake survivor, super fan , kind of survivor, super fan, but not like one of the real ones. Who knows every single episode minute by minute. Um, but I'm back today to lead us in a very special , these books made me version of Survivor. Alright guys. Well, good news. It is week seven. It is Time Merge to merge our tribes.
Speaker 1:Ooh .
Speaker 3:Ooh . What's our new tribe name? Oh,
Speaker 4:It's a good question. We didn't ask that. What do we think?
Speaker 3:Mm .
Speaker 1:Patel <laugh> .
Speaker 3:Okay , that's fine. That's the kind of thing they do when they're allowed to pick their own names. They have come up with like weird, like Port Mentos before. So I'm
Speaker 4:Favorite. My favorite is when someone just makes up a word and then they said it's, they say it's from the language of the, they're
Speaker 1:Like the country. And
Speaker 4:Everyone's like, yeah, totally. And they're like, I just , no
Speaker 1:<laugh> . Yeah . Sounds good . It means winners in Fiji.
Speaker 4:Okay. So it's time to merge. We're basing this off of Survivor 29, San Juan Del sir . Um, before we get into our challenge , um, do we think there's any clashes here from , um, you know, people coming together? Any weird weirdness happening?
Speaker 3:Honestly, no.
Speaker 4:It's a shame that Claudia didn't make it to meet her idol Nancy. True
Speaker 1:<laugh> . That's really sad . <laugh> . Oh my God . We should forget about that .
Speaker 4:Yeah. But
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't, none of these are really people that would clash. I don't think. <laugh>,
Speaker 4:It's gonna be interesting to see how Katniss , who's kind of the standout in the Mattel tribe gets along with Nancy, who's kind of dominating the , um, other tribe. I think they
Speaker 3:Have respect for each other. I think so too. And Katniss does, I mean, not in the first one 'cause she really just works with Peta after Ru dies. But in the later ones, like in catching fire, she works well with a team. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . That's true. She , she can, she'll definitely sit back and like, oh, nuts and bolts really understand arena design. Like I need to defer on on that kind of stuff. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> Finnick understands this, you know, she only clashes with Johanna. Yeah. Right . And there's nobody like that left. So, but even then I think she understands Johanna. Yeah . Like , like I think Kane and Christie might not have gotten along too good. Yeah . But I think they're fine with who's left.
Speaker 4:So here's the other question is, do we think that people are gonna be loyal to their tribe or do you think there's gonna be some people looking to jump ship and make a new alliance?
Speaker 1:I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love.
Speaker 3:<laugh> . <laugh> Kane is loyal. She is. Yeah . I mean, she, she stuck with to a fault. She's extremely loyal with her crew, even when that was dangerous for her. So I don't think Kane is going anywhere. I think she's sticking with her little girls.
Speaker 4:I think Kirsten might be a candidate for jumping ship 'cause she is not trusting them after they voted out. Christie and Molly.
Speaker 3:Yeah , I agree.
Speaker 5:Yeah. But I also can see that they would probably just see how this next game plays out and then see after that like how things are looking. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think no immediate obvious Alliance switches because I also don't see that the Mattel people, I don't know who the recruiter would be on that side. Right. Because I think the little girls are gonna defer to Katniss and Katniss is probably not gonna try to adopt Kirsten . So Kirsten's gonna have to like, figure out how to get herself into that group. Yeah . In another way I could see
Speaker 4:Cassie scheming. I could see her start
Speaker 3:To try to
Speaker 4:Drag , um,
Speaker 3:Kirsten over . But would she like Kirsten or would she think Kirsten's kind of a dummy <laugh> ,
Speaker 6:Big dummy
Speaker 3:<laugh> ?
Speaker 4:I feel like
Speaker 3:Cassie would go after Josefina . Yeah.
Speaker 4:I don't think Cassie would care about whether she likes him or not. I think she just would care if she could
Speaker 3:Use about the numbers.
Speaker 4:And we ha we do have to remember we're in a four four situation right now. So every , if everyone is loyal, there's gonna be some scrambling. Okay. Um,
Speaker 3:What's the game this week?
Speaker 4:All right , so this week , um, everyone wrote it out from here on out is a jury. Um, this week each person has to bounce a ball on a disc , which is attached to ropes at regular intervals. They will each move their hands further back on the rope, making it difficult to balance. So they're kind of like standing back, holding a rope and it's like keeping the disc in place basically. Um, at each interval they have to move their hands further back on the rope, making it more difficult to balance. After 25 minutes, a second ball is going to be added. And if at any point the ball drops person is out of the challenge, the last person left standing with immunity. So this one's gonna be all about focus. Um, it's gonna be all about endurance and it's gonna be all about, it's a little bit about strength as uh , as well because your arms start to get tired very quickly. Yeah , it sounds hard. And this is for individual immunity. Yeah . So one person will get immunity. So they're
Speaker 2:Basically all playing against each other now. Mm-Hmm.
Speaker 3:<affirmative> . Yeah . Moving forward. Okay. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . I mean, I feel like Felicity might have the least strength of who's left, but I think Kirsten is the most likely to make some kind of fatal error and drop it, drop it like it's hot . Drop it like it's hot , like right off the bat or something. Yeah.
Speaker 4:She's not making it all the way for
Speaker 5:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Um , this sounds hard.
Speaker 5:Yeah. But
Speaker 3:This favors cat again. I think like she has, she probably is the strongest of who's left. She's the person that's faced the most, like, things like this where it's like just straight up endurance under tough conditions. I think I like either Kaus or Addie for this one. I
Speaker 4:Could see one of our quiet people kind of sneaking be from behind for this one. Yeah. Because it's , it's really just about like, can you focus and stay still? And if you're someone who's used to kind of being strong and dominating, it's hard to just kind of like be locked in.
Speaker 3:But Katniss is used to that from hunting. That's true . Like she knows what it is to wait for eight hours for an animal to come along. The one thing I could see is I could see Katniss sacrificing herself. 'cause she knows she has the idol for one of the girls on her team. Mm-Hmm . Can she still use it so that they'd be immune ? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 4:Okay . Up until there's five left. We have eight left
Speaker 3:Now . Like if she thought they were in danger, I could totally see her being like, okay, it's just me and Cassie left. Or me and Addie I'll let go because I have the idol and then they have immunity. Mm .
Speaker 5:But would Addie or Felicity or Cassie make it that far?
Speaker 3:I don't think Felicity would. I think Addie definitely could. Okay . Cassie is very mentally strong, so she might be able to,
Speaker 5:Okay .
Speaker 3:I mean, I think the obvious winner here is probably Kane , but
Speaker 7:I , I kind of like the idea of her
Speaker 2:Kind of throwing it just so that like Addie could win.
Speaker 5:But the thing is like, could you say for certain that Addie would be the last one? I think like second to last versus like, well
Speaker 3:She would only throw it if they made it to like the last two. Yeah . Right . But like I could see, I think Anne's gonna be too distractible for this. Yeah. And she starts to panic about things too.
Speaker 4:I don't know that Nancy has particular stamina.
Speaker 3:I don't either. I just can't
Speaker 8:Do it. Captain. I do it . <inaudible> .
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 5:Well she was the one that kept when they like capsized, wasn't she the one that kept like her and her friend afloat on as she was like trying to swim? I don't know. I feel like she has stamina. I don't know to what degree though.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I don't know. I mean, Addie for sure has stamina. So does Katniss 'cause they've had probably the hardest physical labor. Yeah . Lives of anybody. Okay. So I kind of like them going to the final two and then Katniss giving it to Addie because she already has Okay . The idle. I love it. So then it would just be, does she do it in an obvious enough way that Nancy and Anne glom on to like, oh, she's got an idol.
Speaker 4:Yeah. That's gonna be the question is if, if they, or if people just think it's cocky. Like people don't like when you like, quit a challenge 'cause you're like , just like, oh, I'm gonna,
Speaker 3:And Kaus is not the greatest actress. Like that no becomes an issue for her <laugh> .
Speaker 4:She might be putting a target on her back by doing this . And just in general , it'll clue pleasant in that Matt is tight and then make them more of a target.
Speaker 3:Mm .
Speaker 4:So , and if anyone feels like they're number four in the Mattel tribe, like they're not gonna make it to the end. Yeah. They might sw switch over if they see Katniss do this. So I kind of like it just as a ,
Speaker 3:I I think she might do it anyways because Kaus leads with her heart instead of her head sometimes. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . So I, I think that's the result. I think Addie wins because she goes to the final two with Katniss and Katniss gets worried and gives it to Addie. Okay. All right . Or gives it to her as a moral boost or something.
Speaker 4:So Addie wins. Um, we have another twist this week, which is that instead of a tribal council , someone quits the game. Ooh . You just can't do it anymore. <laugh> . Who is gonna quit?
Speaker 3:Kirsten . Kirsten <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, she's the least good person left
Speaker 4:Or Felicity? We haven't really talked about her, but she's
Speaker 3:Yeah , but I just, I don't know what she'd quit for. I think Felicity would actually be enjoying all of this. It's , it's adventure. But do you think it would only be if she missed her horse too much? Yeah . She
Speaker 4:Missed her horse. She
Speaker 3:Wants to see Penny .
Speaker 4:Maybe if she sees Kaus drop out for Addie and she thought that she and Felicity were, or if she and Catniss were really close and she's
Speaker 3:Offended. I don't think she care about that that much. You
Speaker 9:Could have more than one friend
Speaker 3:<laugh> . Yeah. I actually feel like Anne might be the one to stop, but she's very stubborn. I could see Anne being worried about Marilla and Matthew or you know, they really need me back at Green Gables kind of thing . Yeah. But she's playing for money. She could help him that way. Yeah. So then Kirsten Yeah, she's
Speaker 9:Got that the dead man's money at home too .
Speaker 3:<laugh> . She doesn't need it.
Speaker 4:All right . So Kirsten is the first member of our jury by default. Yeah . Jeff is not gonna like, all right , we're moving into week eight based on Survivor 32. Don't think that one had a theme. Lemme check Survivor 32. Oh cow . Wrong . So another location. Oh, brains. V bra versus beauty. I think this is the beginning of the end for themes for them. Yeah . They were like, that was a weird one.
Speaker 3:This whole season work . Pure chaos. Um , no , that one didn't work out at all. <laugh>. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Um, okay. So individual immunity this week, the Castaways must balance their feet on a very narrow perch attached to a pole while grasping two handles located behind them and above their heads . So they're kind of like in a, on the cross kind of situation. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . Um, very uncomfortable to stand on for long periods of time. If at any point they let go of the handles or a foot comes off the perch, they're out of the challenge. The last person left standing wins immunity. After the five minute mark in the challenge, Jeff is going to offer the castaways a feast of fast food and beverages. Why is the beef this offer is one time only and no more food is offered after this kind of ten second decisional window closes. So they have 10 seconds to decide if they wanna take it. So first, do we think anybody's gonna jump for Jeff's? We're gonna assume everyone makes it through five minutes. That's not too long. Yeah. Does anyone jump
Speaker 9:What this offer ? Wait , are they , are they asking if they quit for fast food? Yes.
Speaker 3:Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 9:I mean, okay. I guess they've been in house
Speaker 3:A long time . These folks will not know what that food is.
Speaker 9:<laugh> .
Speaker 3:I'll be like, what is this?
Speaker 9:What kind of fast food is it?
Speaker 4:The thing you have to remember is that , um, people think they're, they're safe and they get confident. Yeah. And then they make mistakes.
Speaker 10:There's so many things weighing on my mind. I've made a lot of mistakes in the past couple days. And I know that actions do speak louder than words. Uh, I want to give individual immunity to Natalie. Maybe Nate .
Speaker 9:I mean, I feel like only Claudia would know about. Yeah. The people who would know about the fast fooder not here. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Do you want me to change it to burgers? Would that help?
Speaker 11:So I know you're gonna be glad to hear that you're playing for the biggest reward of the season. Applebee's.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I mean, so half of them will not know what that is. <laugh>
Speaker 9:Um ,
Speaker 3:Josea and Felicity are just like,
Speaker 9:I guess they would meat , I guess they would smell it. It would smell.
Speaker 3:It would smell appealing. It would
Speaker 9:Smell, yeah. It would smell like food that if you're in the wilderness and you've been eating like, you know, fish and wilderness
Speaker 4:Food
Speaker 9:Terribly , it would probably smell. I'm pretty amazing.
Speaker 3:Kaus has that idol. I think Kaus is going to eat because she, she purged at the Feast in the Capitol so she could eat more.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Like she likes her food. 'cause she's not used to getting good food. So
Speaker 9:Cat nested . I don't think she purged. Is she? Yeah. She
Speaker 3:Or Oh , maybe it was just the other she saw people thought was purging .
Speaker 9:She thought it was repellent. Okay. She impeded. Were were repelled by the fact that people were throwing up their food. I could still ,
Speaker 3:Her being crazy on like the train and stuff. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . So I could, Katniss has that idol. She doesn't need to win this one. I think she's going for the food.
Speaker 4:All right . Katniss is gonna jump. Anyone else could
Speaker 3:See all of the little girls going with her just because they're just looking for a leader. Maybe not Cassie. I think Addie and Felicity go because Katniss went,
Speaker 9:They're tired of picking fish bones out of their meals. And
Speaker 3:Honestly I feel like Kane would feel like she could protect them if they did jump. And I think Cassie will might have enough trust issues that she's gonna be like, I'm gonna hang in here as long as I can.
Speaker 9:Absolute . Yeah .
Speaker 3:So yeah. Let's take everybody from Mattel jumped. Okay.
Speaker 4:Um,
Speaker 9:You're like, this is a soda kids <laugh> . What's a soda? <laugh> .
Speaker 5:All right . So you said everyone from Mattel. Except for everybody but Cas . Except Cassie .
Speaker 3:I could see Josefina going too 'cause she has the idol and the other little girls are basically going. But
Speaker 5:Is she that hungry, strategic? Like is she thinking about her idol as like a self like preservation thing?
Speaker 4:She could be smart enough to think even if I have the idol, I don't wanna have to use it. Yeah. So I'd rather
Speaker 3:Hang in there, stack
Speaker 4:My chances.
Speaker 3:Okay. Well, so then we've got Josefina, Ann , Nancy and Cassie hanging on.
Speaker 5:And Ann ,
Speaker 3:I like Josefina or Cassie's chances here. Maybe 'cause their , their arms are up. I feel like you're better equipped for that when you're little. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . And you don't weigh very much. Yeah . And you're just kind of hanging on. Like, I think it's less
Speaker 4:Pressure on your feet. You have smaller feet. Yeah . To perch.
Speaker 3:Yeah . Cassie.
Speaker 4:Cassie. Cassie.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So I think, I think we're down to Josefina and Cassie. I think Ann and Nancy eventually go due to being post puberty and <laugh>. <laugh> having more weight to carry and less upper body strength and yeah.
Speaker 4:All right. So Casie .
Speaker 3:Yeah . Or host ca . SI think. Cassie.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I like Cassie
Speaker 3:Too. Cassie's real hardheaded. She's tough . She's gonna stick in there.
Speaker 4:Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . All right . So Cassie wins. Yeah. So the other six are going to tribal council . Do we think anybody's gonna use their idol at this time?
Speaker 3:I don't think they need to .
Speaker 4:You don't think anybody's gonna try to target Kane ?
Speaker 3:Uh , I think Nancy and Anne might, but I don't think they're gonna have the votes.
Speaker 4:I would, I could see Cassie being really unimpressed by the whole thing she saw in the challenge. Like too cocky jumping off like you, like you made me carry this for the whole um, team basically. Especially if she doesn't know that Katniss has an idol still and switch sides.
Speaker 3:But I think Katniss would've told Cassie to jump. Like I think when Katniss goes off, I think she tells her old tribe Come with me and Cassie doesn't because Cassie has trust issues
Speaker 4:Exhibit . Yeah. But I think that's why her trust might make make her
Speaker 3:Be like, no , because Pats the idol . So she knows she can save one of them if she has to. And I think she would think she had the votes anyways. I don't think Cassie's gonna be mad about it. I think Cassie might be mad at herself afterwards. Like, why did I make that choice? I could've eaten.
Speaker 5:But at this point you have two Mattel tribe members that have immunity. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> ,
Speaker 4:Right ? Yeah . Cassie and Kane . Well, Cassie has,
Speaker 3:Well yes. Cassie gets it for this . Cas visually
Speaker 4:Has immunity. Everyone knows Cat . They cannot vote for her . Ca has secret immunity. It's secret. Yeah. So people might,
Speaker 5:But no Addie has it.
Speaker 3:No,
Speaker 5:I thought that's what they played for earlier. Oh,
Speaker 4:Last time around. It's that. Sorry. Yes. That one's only good for that that
Speaker 5:Week . Okay,
Speaker 3:Gotcha . Yeah , I'm sorry . And then it's
Speaker 4:Usually, it's like a necklace and then they have to like give the necklace to the next person .
Speaker 5:Oh , okay . I see . I
Speaker 3:See . I, mm mm I think either Nancy or Ann are gonna go, I think the little girls over here are gonna see that Katniss has been loyal to them and hasn't steered them wrong. I think Cassie's gonna realize that after the fact. And Katniss is gonna be like, why didn't you get off? I think Katniss would tell them that she has the idol, her old tribe at this point. At this point, yeah. I think she would tell the little girls, I got you. And then I think Ann or Nancy are going, Hmm . It might not be the shrewdest move on Kane's part in the long run, but I think she would do it. 'cause I think that's the kind of person she is.
Speaker 5:I think Ann would go ,
Speaker 3:I think they're gonna get rid of Anna for Nancy too.
Speaker 5:Well , do we think Sina is close enough to Anne to wanna use her immunity for her? No . Or no? No,
Speaker 3:I don't think so. She
Speaker 5:Would've done it for Nancy or just for
Speaker 3:Herself? Maybe for Nancy.
Speaker 5:Okay.
Speaker 3:But I think Anne's been following Nancy at this point. So yeah, I think Anne's out. Anne's also probably just talking everyone's ears off and getting a little bit much at this point anyways. Yeah.
Speaker 4:All right . Ann is on the jury. Okay . Week nine. This is gonna be based on Survivor 39 Island of the Idols. And you got
Speaker 3:All late season roles with this.
Speaker 4:I know. Um , this season side note is one in which they had , um, two former winners be like spiritual guides to the Castaways. And one of their prizes could be to like go to the island and get advice, which none of them then followed. Or really heated
Speaker 12:<laugh> . Yeah . Um,
Speaker 4:So it was kind of, I don't know . It was , it was strange. Um, I, I decided not to factor that in 'cause I would be very complicated. But , um, the challenge this time is for, again, for individual immunity. I also said for reward, but I did not say, oh, the uh , reward is for a letter from a loved one for themself and for one other person that they have to choose. So we'll keep that in mind. Oh
Speaker 3:No . Addie's family can't write her a letter.
Speaker 5:<laugh> . <laugh> . Oh my gosh. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:I think Survivor would work with them to write her something. Maybe
Speaker 3:They It's a video recording.
Speaker 12:Yeah . They
Speaker 5:Learned to write by
Speaker 4:Now . They sent her a photo maybe.
Speaker 12:Okay. We gotta crop out that line . <laugh> . We have to , I'm sorry. Okay, go ahead. That just startled me. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Um, okay. The Castaways must keep a ball spinning with within a wheel as they stand on individual balance beams. Pretty much all of the individual immunities are some version of this. Just as a side note .
Speaker 3:Yeah. It's all physical
Speaker 5:Stuff.
Speaker 4:At regular intervals, they'll be made to step forward onto narrower parts of the beam. If at any point their ball drops, they lose the challenge. The last two with a spinning ball win and the last person standing overall win the letter from a loved one for themself and one of their person. So two people are gonna win immunity and the last one after winning immunity will win a letter from a loved one. So who do we think, who are the two who we think are gonna be the best at this kind of balance? Again, balance , focus , endurance, challenge. And who's gonna be really motivated by this letter from a loved one? Reward .
Speaker 3:Jose . Reward letters are so important to that family. Yeah, I think Josefina is super motivated to try to win this one .
Speaker 4:And we said last time we thought she would be good at this type
Speaker 3:Of challenge. I think she would . She's good at being, I think still within herself and yeah, I think she would have a good chance at this.
Speaker 2:Felicity might be good at this. Maybe.
Speaker 4:Would she care about a letter from her family? <laugh> ? No.
Speaker 2:No . But
Speaker 4:She would want immunity. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 9:Well it says not necessarily a family member.
Speaker 4:Sure . It could be Ben <laugh> ,
Speaker 9:Her weirdly creepy boyfriend.
Speaker 2:I did not read that one . One good news.
Speaker 3:Oh ,
Speaker 2:Maybe it's hard. 'cause I wanna say Katniss would be kind of good at everything because like
Speaker 3:I think she would, yeah. Like she's the force in this at this point. Um, but I could also, like before we put Josefina in it, I could have seen Kane giving it to one of the other girls as like a , I want you to have this, 'cause Katniss doesn't care that much about a letter. Like if it was really important to, well not Addie, but if it was like, if it was a, let's say it's a video of our family or something . I could definitely see Katniss trying to make it so that one of the little girls would win. Hmm . She's like super protective of them I think.
Speaker 4:Yeah. But I'm saying she could win it and then she gets to pick one person to go with her. She , so she could
Speaker 3:Who could see the letter. Yeah . Okay. Um, well then yes, then I think she's gonna play hard if that's an option. I just don't know which of the little girls she'd be trying to get the letter for. Probably Addie or Cassie. Probably Addie.
Speaker 4:But do we think who's So two, we're gonna get immunity, but only one's gonna get the chance to read a letter. So what do
Speaker 3:We think? I think Sina goes to the last two. I think she's gonna do everything. Yeah . She possibly can to get that letter. 'cause it, it matters to her.
Speaker 4:So we think Sina will win the letters ultimately. Even if Katniss pushes hard.
Speaker 3:I could see what if they go final two And Katniss realizes it's super important to Josefina and that's how she tries to pull her O over and say, yeah , I'm gonna give this to you. And now Nancy's all along
Speaker 1:She could . I like
Speaker 3:That Kat is playing the social game.
Speaker 2:I like that because you know, I think in the, especially in the series, like when you see later on, like she kind of does play like the social game in terms of like she tries her relationship, she tries with her relationship with PETA and going out there and being the girl on fire. So I feel like I like that idea of her playing the social
Speaker 3:Game . And I think Kane physically could beat any of them at anything at this point probably. So I think Kana has to decide to lose for it to work. So I like her giving it to Josefina as a strategic move. And because she's like kind and cares about the little girls
Speaker 9:And she doesn't wanna have to pick one person to give a letter to. Yes.
Speaker 3:I think that's perfect logic. Okay. Oh , Ann has to go away. She got voted out.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah. Josefina wins. Um, who does Josefina pick?
Speaker 3:Nancy.
Speaker 4:You think so?
Speaker 3:Feels bad. I don't think Josefina is gonna be a schemer.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I think she's gonna stay loyal even though it's probably not our best move. Yeah. I think she's gonna pick Nancy.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 3:It's not gonna save Nancy, but <laugh> ,
Speaker 4:Yeah. People are not gonna be happy with Nancy for getting that.
Speaker 3:No, I mean I think , I
Speaker 4:Don't think they're gonna be bothered by Josefina getting it . I don't , it's important, but they're not gonna like Nancy for,
Speaker 3:And then I think this is for sure the nail in the coffin for Nancy. I think she's,
Speaker 5:Wait, why wouldn't they be like I don't, yeah. Why wouldn't they be happy that Nancy people
Speaker 3:Just get ,
Speaker 4:They want it . Really? Yeah. They just get very like petty when they haven't eaten and they're suffering. Y
Speaker 13:You ain gone without eating
Speaker 4:And they think that someone doesn't deserve it and they probably don't value Nancy's.
Speaker 13:I see you eat every day
Speaker 4:Person. Well
Speaker 3:And they know they're gonna gonna vote her out anyways. Like at this point. Yeah. This tribe is staying together and they're saying like, this is a waste because she's gonna go , she's gonna go see him tonight anyways .
Speaker 4:Yeah . And they're probably gonna be like, oh she's just, they , they don't value boyfriends so they're probably gonna be like, oh, she's just gonna like get a letter from her boyfriend <laugh> ,
Speaker 3:Who
Speaker 4:Cares? Like, wait,
Speaker 5:I feel like she would get it from her dad. Dad or Helen.
Speaker 4:I don't know. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I don't think it matters though. I , yeah ,
Speaker 5:But I've, so I was taking it more as I feel like Cassie, Felicity or Addie, like one of them is, or like two, at least two of them are not doing as well as Nancy. So I don't think of Nancy as being the like one that doesn't deserve it. If that makes sense. I don't think
Speaker 3:Think that'll matter. She's not one of them. Like this is their little family and she's out of that family and they're planning to vote her off anyways. They're gonna feel like she shouldn't have gotten that 'cause she's already going home. I don't know that all of 'em would . I think Cassie would feel like that <laugh>, Cassie would be like, she didn't even need that letter. She's going home tonight. <laugh> . <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Yeah. They
Speaker 9:Should rename Survivor, hangry people.
Speaker 3:<laugh> . It really is basically what it is . Yeah. So I think that's what happens. Josefina gives Nancy the letter. Nancy gets voted out. I don't see any way that Nancy survives that tribal. So
Speaker 4:Remember we're doing, and this is a little different because normally in Survivor they'll do a two vote where it's each tribe votes and you've decide which one goes first and then they get to watch. Um, because of the way we've structured it, this is two individual votes. So first we're gonna do a first round of voting. And do we think it's gonna be Nancy?
Speaker 3:I mean the only thing is if Nancy tried to pull Cassie over, but I think Cassie's gonna be smart enough to realize that Katniss is such an immunity threat that she needs to keep on good terms with her.
Speaker 4:Is Josefina gonna give her idol to Nancy?
Speaker 3:Ooh , that's a good question. I
Speaker 2:Feel like she's already given her the letter. I don't know if she would give her the idol.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think she's gonna hang on to the idol
Speaker 2:Just for her to probably do . Yeah. Yeah .
Speaker 5:But why does Jose , Nancy want it? Like I guess the idol ? What is , what is her motivation?
Speaker 3:The money for her family.
Speaker 5:Okay.
Speaker 3:Because remember they had to like make all of those blankets to
Speaker 5:<laugh> . Oh I've never read <laugh> . Oh sorry.
Speaker 3:I mean they could do with the money. Okay. So I think that would be important to her. We
Speaker 4:Also need to remember this is the last two times, last two tribals that either of them can use their idol.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So do we think either or Nancy is going to , or Katniss is going to use their idol on this first vote of the two that we're doing tonight. So
Speaker 2:It has to be of one of these two votes. If they
Speaker 4:Wanna play it now they can if they wanna play . Okay . Again, some people like to just say like, I had it , I never played , I didn't need it. So they might get cocky. But
Speaker 2:I think Katniss will get cocky. I don't know if Sina will get cocky, but I don't know if he ,
Speaker 3:I think Katniss will hold onto it in case one of the little girls need it. 'cause Katniss will be cocky that she can win the physical stuff going forward. Sina I think is just gonna hold onto it because she's not gonna really know what to do with it. It's like I can't give it to Nancy and then I get voted out and then my family like, I think ultimately her allegiance is to her family. So she's done her solid to Nancy by giving her the letter. Hmm . And she'll vote for Nancy like, or she won't vote for Nancy. Like she'll stay with her for the first vote. I think so
Speaker 4:In this first vote, we think probably Nancy's out.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I think all of Team Mattel is gonna vote Nancy out. Yeah.
Speaker 4:Okay .
Speaker 2:Josefina is the only person left Josefina
Speaker 4:Use her idol now knowing that it's a very clear tribal alliance.
Speaker 2:Y Yeah. Yeah .
Speaker 4:Okay . So then Josefina is using her idol is Kat is gonna use her idol?
Speaker 3:No . No , I don't think she needs to.
Speaker 2:I think Felicity goes,
Speaker 3:I think of who's left. That's true.
Speaker 4:Why?
Speaker 2:Like I feel like yes, they're , they were all team Mattel, but I feel like it was always kind of like Katniss and Addie or Katniss and Cassie. Like Felicity like yeah, we're all team Mattel. But like in terms of like, you know who you, she was maybe a little closer to one of those two.
Speaker 4:But who do , who can they get Josefina on board to vote for and who do they think they can win against? Because at some point they have to start thinking about the Final four for sure .
Speaker 3:I don't know that that team's gonna be that strategic except for maybe Cassie.
Speaker 4:Everyone has a rank, everyone has a number. <laugh> , even if Katniss is like lovingly bringing these little girls along, she wants to win.
Speaker 2:I mean,
Speaker 3:Honestly she doesn't need to win though. Like she's got the winner's money. Like I feel like she, I feel like Katniss is going to give it to one of the little girls in the end. Like we'll try to do that.
Speaker 4:So then is she gonna self-sacrifice
Speaker 3:Not this round? 'cause I think she feels like she needs to carry them along and she
Speaker 2:Probably was want , would want to get to like the final
Speaker 3:Like Yeah , whatever. I think, I think Kaus is looking for Ru redemption by trying to set this up for Addie. Yeah. I think Felicity's going, if Josefina uses her idol,
Speaker 4:Not Cassie, I would think they would go for Cassie
Speaker 2:Because Cassie could kind of be considered death , right ?
Speaker 4:Yeah. 'cause she's, she's shown herself to be strategic in cunning maybe would vote for her if she wants one of those , those two, the younger girls to win, then Cassie is the odd person out. Josea will just vote for whoever keeps her safe .
Speaker 3:Hmm .
Speaker 5:But so when they're doing one per team, do they already know that they're doing that? Like do they know that they're casting two people out
Speaker 4:In this world? Yes . We , they knew ahead of time that it was going actually because
Speaker 5:Then I feel like Nancy would've actually like tried to do something about that. Does that make sense? She
Speaker 3:Would've , I don't think she could
Speaker 5:Have . No, I don't think she could have . I still think she would've eventually been voted out, but I think she would've cast out somewhere among Addie, Felicity, or Cassie.
Speaker 4:Yeah. She would've tried to get in between them. I, I'm trying to think. I feel like when they , the one time they have done this for individual immunity, it was a surprise that they were voting again. So the second time they didn't have time to strategize as much. Yeah . Which they kind of did it out loud.
Speaker 5:Oh, okay. Okay.
Speaker 3:That's why I think you're gonna get a really scattered vote and it's gonna, Josefina will vote for Katniss probably because she doesn't, I mean that would be the threat to her.
Speaker 4:Maybe she'll try to make a pitch to the other three. Like, Hey she's gonna win this if we don't stop her. You need to vote Katniss
Speaker 3:Maybe. I don't think that's a Josefina move. I think she's too shy to, she would think that that was not nice. I
Speaker 4:Don't know. Sometimes people like really become different people on
Speaker 3:The game . <laugh> . <laugh>
Speaker 4:They find their inner. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Hmm . I still think Felicity's gonna go because I think Katniss and Addie would at that point vote Felicity instead of Cassie. And then Josefina and Cassie are probably, I don't know who Cassie would vote for.
Speaker 4:I could see Cassie turning. I mean I thought Ka she could earlier, but,
Speaker 3:So then we have a tie. So if Cassie and Josefina vote for Katniss , Kane is gonna play the Idol and Felicity still goes,
Speaker 4:Do you think? But she can only play the idol the first time around before they have the tie.
Speaker 3:Oh well they don't know the second vote's coming so she wouldn't be able to play it then.
Speaker 4:Like she can play it before the second vote. But once they have a tie, Katniss can't say, well I have an idol now so you can't vote for me. Oh . So if they have to re-vote because there's a tie.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Um, I don't know. I think we have a tie then maybe we either have Felicity going or we have a tie I think. 'cause I think Katniss and Addie will vote together. Like they will have talked so much that they will have a
Speaker 4:Plan. And you don't think you, you don't think that Kanes and Addie would go for Cassie at all?
Speaker 3:I think they're more likely to. Well I don't think so because I think Katniss feels more like allegiance to Cassie for having like worked harder and been a better teammate than Felicity. And Katniss is loyal to a fault. So I think of who's left and she's being forced to Cho to choose. They're gonna get rid of Felicity especially 'cause Felicity's family has money.
Speaker 9:Do we did , did they know that Felicity's family has
Speaker 3:Money? There's no way Felicity wouldn't have disclosed that at something . All she has to talk about are gonna be her horse and tea parties and Yeah, I mean I think they're gonna not think she needs it.
Speaker 9:I she'll take no more tea.
Speaker 3:Like of who's left. She has by far had the most privileged upbringing have
Speaker 9:Failed all time travels here. Okay. I'm
Speaker 3:No <laugh> . Yeah. I mean it doesn't make sense <laugh> . I'm not gonna , my thought is Felicity goes anyways . I think Yeah ,
Speaker 9:Probably Felicity same .
Speaker 3:How would we have done a tie? We would've gone . I kind of just wanted to ,
Speaker 4:I would've done a random number generator. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh , okay. <laugh> . I think Felicity's gonna go. Okay . Can you ever
Speaker 9:Tie a survivor?
Speaker 3:And I think, I think the privilege thing on Cassie's end will come out too. I mean she is strategic but she also is very, very put off by people having more like the whole thing with the books and stuff. Mm-Hmm . So like I think she would feel like, okay, even if I don't, she cares about everybody . Everybody else grew up hard Scrabble and not Felicity. So she doesn't need it. So I think Felicity's gone.
Speaker 14:The tribe has spoken.
Speaker 4:Alright , so we're down to our final four. No one has, we're down to our final four. No one has immunity anymore because it is beyond the opportunity to vote. Yeah. I, my num random number generated to give did give me a lot of late season . Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> numbers. Alright , so this one is gonna be based on Survivor. 37 David versus Goliath. Um, this is like the , this has become like the classic like last episode challenge. Um, so they have this kind of like, it reminds me of like a marble shoot. Like when you drop a marble down a like maze. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> . Um , and it's basically like a continuous machine where they have to like drop it down and then catch it when it gets on the bottom and add it again and catch it. And then they add a second ball and they catch it again. And so the key is like to keep focused so that one never falls out without you catching it. And then keep your dexterity up because they add more and more balls. You have to get the timing right of like when you drop the next one. So they come out at an interval such that you can catch it because one hand is tied behind your back. So you only have one hand. Um, every time a ball drops out , um, and they don't catch it. That castaway is eliminated from the challenge. So we have Hosta , Cassie, Addie , and Katniss left who is going to win?
Speaker 3:Mm-Hmm . I still like kanu for this one.
Speaker 2:Same
Speaker 3:Like there is an element of endurance both mental and dexterity wise with this. She just has more experience with this type of unwinnable tasks . <laugh>
Speaker 2:<laugh> .
Speaker 3:Um, but
Speaker 9:Would she be trying really hard to win it at this point?
Speaker 3:Yeah. 'cause there's no immunity left for like, she has to win to keep going and at this point I think she'll feel like she has to win to bring Addie along. Yeah.
Speaker 9:I see.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So I think it's, Hmm . Oof .
Speaker 2:Boy. Yeah. Nothing about any of the other people who are left makes me feel like they would be as close to winning as Katniss . This , uh, challenge.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I I think this ends up, Katniss wins it and she takes Addie with her to the final. I volunteer as
Speaker 4:Tribute. Are we all on board with that?
Speaker 9:Yeah. I ,
Speaker 3:And then I think she's gonna try to sway the jury to give it to Addie.
Speaker 4:That would be,
Speaker 9:Is that a thing they do
Speaker 4:In a survivor ? I think that would be a first. Um, all right . So yeah , so if Kanu wins wins, then usually the way the last tribal council works is rather than um , voting someone out because it almost always went to a tie that would get really sticky. They have just in recent seasons changed to having a fire challenge. So Kanu would have the right to pick one person to bring with her to the end. And then the last two who are left have to battle it out to see who can make fire faster. Um , and the person who makes the fire the fastest and it snaps a little rope that lifts a flag, they win and they get to go to the end. And then the final tribal is usually three people making the case for themselves.
Speaker 3:Uh, I think Josefina is gonna win the fire challenge. Agreed. 'cause Cassie's from a time of matches and Josefina is not. Yeah . So it's probably true. Yeah. Yeah . I mean she has the experience. So I think Cassie's gone.
Speaker 2:Cassie, you know, you my girl, but we
Speaker 3:Love you Cassie. We held on tight the great game .
Speaker 2:You held it down <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Alright . So that was very easy. Um, what does Cassie say on, on her way out? I'm just curious, how does she feel about it?
Speaker 2:This one was for you Big Mama <laugh>. Isn't that what she called her grandmother or something like that? Or Pop ? I don't remember. Or Papa . Is that what they , she called it? I don't know . Oh
Speaker 9:Gosh. We read that one couple years ago. Yeah , that
Speaker 3:Was season one . That was our book I think. Yeah .
Speaker 4:So we have our final , um, three of Josefina, Addie and Katniss . And then our jury is gonna be Kirsten and Nancy. And Felicity. Is that right?
Speaker 3:And Cassie. Cassie
Speaker 4:And Cassie. Kirsten and Nancy. Felicity and Cassie. Um,
Speaker 2:So basically three from Pleasant and two from Mattel . Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . Okay . Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 4:Yeah. It's pretty even split. So we have to think about first, which ca what the opening statement each player makes. So usually in very recent seasons, the way Tribal council works, each player makes a final like statement about why they should win. And then there's an open discussion about how well the three players did at each element of Survivor, which is outwit, outplay, and Outlast.
Speaker 11:I have to say you've played every day of Survivor with Grace and it has been an honor to have you be a part of the Survivor family.
Speaker 4:So who outwitted each other the best? Who outplayed? Usually that means like the physical elements and then outlast meaning like the survival elements. Who was best at those? So which, what case do we think each player made for why they should be the winner? Like why was Jose's game? Why does she think her game was the best? They have
Speaker 9:To like,
Speaker 4:Like a research presentation.
Speaker 3:No, they just make a, a Samantha child . Child labor is bad Speech about themselves. I think Josefina is gonna say she stayed true to herself and she stayed true to her alliances. She never betrayed anybody. Um, and she played as hard as she could to get something for her family. And that will be her case. Agreed. And Katniss will tell everybody vote for Addie that, yeah. I mean I think Kane's whole speech is gonna be like, Addie should get this and she'll say why she thinks that her family has suffered the most and she loves her family and this would change their lives. And you know, she played a solid game. I don't know what Addie would say. What's Addie gonna say?
Speaker 4:That's really the question. I feel like,
Speaker 3:I think Jose Sophia's gonna win you guys
Speaker 4:<laugh> . Yeah , I was gonna say, I think what's interesting about this is I do think Addie was carried and people don't like that. No,
Speaker 3:They don't. Don't like that . And I, that's how it's gonna shake out. Looking at who's voting. Yeah.
Speaker 4:Candice is gonna , um, shoot herself in the foot, kind of if her goal really is to make Addie win. Yeah . So I don't
Speaker 9:Really know who much about Jeff other than what I've learned contextually. But I feel like he's not gonna like Kane's , uh, speech. No, he's , I think he's gonna be giving her the stink eye the whole time.
Speaker 11:What do you think should be done with your torch? You guys are quitters.
Speaker 4:He's not gonna be impressed 'cause he doesn't like quitters. He doesn't like people who aren't in it for the love of the game. He doesn't care if Katniss has a million dollars already. She should want $1,000,001 . She fought this hard <laugh>
Speaker 3:<laugh> .
Speaker 4:He's not gonna like it. Do we think, let's look at the elements. So like who was the most , uh, outwitting
Speaker 5:Cat three ? Yeah , yeah , yeah. Cat Kaus .
Speaker 3:Because I think that that would be the one saving thing for the other people of the jury is that they're feeling like, well she did play like a good long game, even if her goal was to them weird. So I could see somebody voting for Katniss just as a like, I don't know, a dual , like I could see Kirsten not understanding <laugh> , what Kaus was trying to do. <laugh> and being like, oh, she had a plan and she won so many challenges and then voting for Kane . But I think the rest of them are probably gonna go for Josefina. 'cause I think Felicity and Cassie's feelings will be hurt. Yeah. Yes . And they won't think that Addie did any different than them to deserve it. And Ann and Nancy are gonna vote for their little tribe mate .
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:That's what I think.
Speaker 4:And I think Josea can also make the argument that she won a, an idol very early on and then kept it for the most strategic moment. Mm-Hmm.
Speaker 3:<affirmative> . And she, she had a couple of good , uh, immunity challenges too.
Speaker 4:Yeah . And she proved herself with the fire. So she's a survivor. I mean,
Speaker 2:Like, she proved herself. She didn't like she wasn't pulled along, you know? Yeah . Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 3:Yeah. I think Yeah . Hostin is taking this one. I mean, Katniss , this is what she does. Right , right . This is what she gambled with the berries with peta , you know, and sometimes that works for you and sometimes it blows up. And when she did it with him, it kind of went both ways. Like it sort of worked and that they did keep them both alive, but then that like rained all sorts of misery on the world. Yeah . <laugh> that she did that. So maybe not the wisest thing, but Cat is gonna cat this and I think I
Speaker 4:She's
Speaker 3:Gonna make that
Speaker 4:Same, I love idea that she's like, I don't subscribe to your rules . This is who I want to win. And , and that not working for her.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I think that's how it's gonna play out.
Speaker 4:All right .
Speaker 3:Josefina.
Speaker 4:Josefina is our winner. <laugh> . All right , well that was our game. How do you guys feel?
Speaker 2:That was fun. Now I wanna go watch Survivor. I was not expecting Jose to win, to be honest. Me , I thought Ka neither was gonna win. I thought it was gonna be like, well this is what Kaus does. Like she's playing against all these kids. Of course she's gonna win. But I
Speaker 3:Was really social game in the end . Like,
Speaker 2:Yeah, quiet but deadly. Jose Meina ,
Speaker 5:The
Speaker 2:Boat's name <laugh>
Speaker 3:Flo
Speaker 9:Thinking she can afford to pamper Flo to know , right ?
Speaker 5:Yes . Yeah. I feel like because it was a social game, I thought it would be Nancy or maybe even Christie . Well , no, maybe not Christie . Well, I could see Christie
Speaker 2:Maybe if they made it further down the line. Yeah . Like they didn't annoy everyone in the beginning. <laugh> <laugh> . We would've had a better chance.
Speaker 3:No . The too , too many cooks in the kitchen thing really drive us . Hurt some people. I think. Well that's it for this episode of these books Made me join us next season when we'll discuss books.
Speaker 5:<laugh> <laugh> .
Speaker 3:If you think we know which books we're tackling next season, follow us on Instagram. We're at these books made me and drop a comment on our guess our next season Post <laugh> .
Speaker 5:Wait , we should invite people to like fight us on our picks. Yeah . Argue with us . Oh
Speaker 3:Yeah , yeah, that's true. If you think we totally botch this season of Survivor, let us know on our Instagram <laugh> ,
Speaker 4:If you think there's another reality show we should drop these characters into. Also let us know that
Speaker 3:<laugh> , these are children. We're not doing love Islands. <laugh> .
Speaker 15:No .