These Books Made Me
These Books Made Me
Survivor: These Books Made Me Part 1
Have you ever wished your favorite characters from different books could meet each other? Have you ever wished they could fight each other for food, resources, and prizes while sleeping in the sand in Fiji? No? Well we have. In this very special season ending edition of TBMM, we bring back a special guest host, Survivor Superfan Kelsey, to Jeff Probst us through a battle between some of our favorite heroines from past TBMM episodes. Will Katniss quietly dominate with her skills from the arena? Will Kirsten accidentally burn down the camp? Is Turtle going to kick her teammates if they lose a challenge or will she Russell Hantz her way to immunity idol glory? And what exactly is a pastry bar and will it be enough to keep Claudia playing? We contemplate these questions and more as we decide which of our girls will outwit, outplay, and outlast.
These Books Made Me is a podcast about the literary heroines who shaped us and is a product of the Prince George's County Memorial Library System podcast network. Stay in touch with us via Twitter @PGCMLS with #TheseBooksMadeMe, on Instagram @TheseBooksMadeMe or by email at TheseBooksMadeMe@pgcmls.info. For recommended readalikes and deep dives into topics related to each episode, visit our blog at https://pgcmls.medium.com/.
Hi, I am Hawa?
Heather:I'm Heather.
Hannah:I'm Hannah.
Darlene:I'm Darlene.
Hawa:And this is our podcast These Books Made Me. Today we have a very special guest with us for a very special episode. Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us what we'll be doing today?
Kelsey:I'm Kelsey and I'm back.
Multiple speakers:Woo.
Hawa:Pew pew pew
Kelsey:< laugh > . And I am a fake Survivor super fan, kind of survivor super fan, but not like one of the real ones. Who knows every single episode minute by minute. Um, but I'm back today to lead us in a very special, these books made me version of Survivor. Um, I wanna credit the podcast Potterless, which I ashamedly stole this idea from. But we thought it would be really important to do this because there's a Prince Georges County resident on survival right now and Baltimorean, which representing my hometown right now. Um, and so we thought this would be a good time to do this. So we'll be putting These Books Made Me characters going all the way back to Season one, Episode one through the True Survivor experience. So how this is gonna work each week has been modeled very, very loosely superfan Don't Come at Me. After one episode of Survivor, I chose the episode by using a random number generator from 1 to 46, and then choosing the episode from the week we are on. So, for example, the first round, my random number generator gave me number 41. So we'll be going back to Survivor season 41, Week one.
Heather:It's wild that there are 46 seasons < laugh > .
Kelsey:There a re 47 seasons now.
Hawa:<laugh> . Wow. <laugh> .
Kelsey:Yes. And I did watch all 47 in the past, 46 and a half in the past four years. So
Heather:That's impressive.
Heather:I, I think the wheels came off for me somewhere in the twenties and I lost steam.
Kelsey:It's very reasonable. It's very reasonable. < laugh > . Um, alright. So for each round there will be one immunity challenge and one vote off the island. We will use our knowledge of the players to decide who wins immunity and who is voted off
Clip:The tribe has spoken
Kelsey:And every few weeks I have some bonus decisions and other kind of sidebars thrown in. First let's start off with reminding you of some of the characters that we've had on TBMM before and uh, letting you know who's gonna be playing this game. So first off, we have Harriet > Welsh. Harriet is an aspiring writer and quote unquote spy who loves to spread mean gossip about her friends in NYC and call it journalism. She's a big fan of lying <laugh>
Hannah:And tomato sandwiches.
Kelsey:and tomato sandwiches,
Darlene:<laugh> . So next we have Katniss Everdeen, a survivor of multiple battles to the death. An accomplished archer and a ruthless pragmatist until boys get involved.
Hawa:Alright, so next up we have Kristy from Baby Sitters Club. Brash, yet surprisingly insightful in a natural #GirlBoss Kristy Thomas is used to coordinating chaos and marching to her own drum and probably no CPR.
Heather:And then we have Claudia from the Babysitter's Club. She's super crafty and artistic, but has absolutely no filter and goes from zero to I hate you in six seconds flat. She's a little boy crazy and could easily be distracted by a crush or join an alliance just because someone is cute.
Hannah:I'm so excited I get to read this next one. Possibly one of our most unhinged characters. Kristen Larson, jer family packed up their entire home in Sweden and moved to the frontier in Minnesota, suffering loss and trauma along the way. So she's pretty tough. However, she once burned her own house down and looted a dead man's corpse. So she might be a wild card.
Heather:She has a solid immune system, so's that, that
Hannah:She was , uh, apparently immune to cholera, < laugh > . Um, now we have Addy Walker, also from American Girl. Addy has seen and lived through some real stuff. She's a quick learner and hella brave, though her shy personality may hinder her social game.
Darlene:Next is Molly McIntire. She did experience some tough stuff during World War ii. Her dad was deployed and she has to eat radishes. And one time she got a cold that made her miss her big tap solo. But there's definitely a lack of perspective here that might make her insufferable at the campsite.
Hannah:Wait, I'm sorry. Was it, or was it turnips?
Kelsey:<gasp> Turnips!
Heather:In her victory garden.
Hannah:Sorry not to be...
Kelsey:You're right.
Heather:Okay Darlene, can you to that one
Multiple speakers:< laugh >
Speaker 5:pedantic about vegetables.
Darlene:But you said it was turnips. Okay.
Hannah:It was turnips.
Darlene:Alright. Molly McIntire, she did experience some tough stuff during World War II. . Her dad was deployed and she had to eat turnips and one time she got a cold that made her miss her big tap solo. But there's definitely a lack of perspective here that might make her insufferable at the campsite.
Hawa:Alright, next up we got, we have Samantha Parkington, a deeply misunderstood orphan who grew up quite wealthy. She demonstrates significant empathy for the poor and the feminist cause, but might not do well in any water sports.
Heather:Then we have Felicity Merriman, a rebellious tomboy hindered by her family's cultural norms, who won't mind getting a little messy, but she's also a little self-absorbed and kind of weird about horses which aren't usually present in Survivor. So not very helpful to her at all.
Hannah:Next we have Josefina Montoya, a quiet, thoughtful, and deeply religious girl whose aspirations to be a healer and empathetic listening skills may make her invaluable to some of her teammates if her deep commitment to politeness and propriety doesn't get in her way.
Kelsey:Next we have Cassie Logan, a playful, smart, and sometimes prankful girl. Cassie is not afraid to speak her mind and she's almost always right, but that doesn't mean her tribe mates will like that very much. She wants booby trapped a road to wreck a bus. So don't underestimate her cunning or her prowess and physical challenges.
Darlene:Great. Next up is Anne of Green Gables, yet another orphan in the mix. Canadian Islander. Anne's love of imaginative play and bent toward drama might make her some friends and foes on the island, and if they spell her name wrong, when they vote her out, all hell will break loose.
Hawa:Next up we have Tabitha Ruth Turtle, Wexler, cunning, clever, secretive, and practical. Turtle will be a pro at the puzzles and certainly will be at the helm of at least one or two blindsides along the way. If she can avoid making herself seem like a threat to her tribemates Turtle may go far.
Heather:Lastly, we have Nancy Drew an intriguing blend of independent and bold, while also maintaining a lot of very traditional femininity. Nancy's enthusiasm may be a positive asset for her on the island unless her tendency to insert herself into other people's problems starts to wear.
Kelsey:And I did notice that I talked a lot about several boy crazy characters. However, we all have only women on our islands. Um, but maybe they'll.
Heather:well there's Jeff.
Clip of Jeff speaking:and as for the losers, they will be taken and executed.
Kelsey:That's true. There is Jeff. Yes, Jeff will be in this fantasy universe just to be very clear. So yeah, maybe that'll be A distraction.
Heather:I could easily see Claudia falling for Jeff < laugh > .
Kelsey:I, actually a hundred percent < laugh >
Heather:< laugh > . It will be weird and uncomfortable for everyone else, but I could see it happening.
Kelsey:Yeah, she'll probably be one of those who like immediately gets off the boat and hugs him and he doesn't know what to do about it. <laugh>. Okay, so are we ready for week one?
Multiple speakers:Yeah. Mm - Hmm.
Kelsey:Okay. So week one, as I already said, is based on Survivor 41. Our contestants arrived to scenic Fiji where all survivor games have taken place for the last 20 years because Jeff Probst got tired of moving. U m, they arrived to scenic Fiji via boats. They have already been divided into two tribes, Pleasant and Mattel, and they're sent to separate camps with only a machete, a pot and flint. They will be asked to harvest their own food on the island and they may win rice in the future, but that's unclear. So we have two tribes here. We have Pleasant, which has Nancy Anne, Josefina, Molly, uh, Kirsten, Kristy and Turtle. And then we have Mattel, which has Harriet, Cassie, Felicity, Samantha, Claudia, Addie and Katniss. So just initial thoughts here. Where do you think there might be some tensions between characters? How do we think things are gonna play out? Does one look stronger than the other? Initially?
Darlene:I feel like for Pleasant I see a lot of like organized and like
Hawa:< laugh > ,
Kelsey:Lot of type A.
Darlene:Yeah, you're right. There might, I was thinking more so like they would do well, but you're right, there might be some tensions there.
Heather:I Think there's gonna be friction with Molly. I think everyone on that team, except maybe Josefina is gonna get sick of Molly real quick.
Kelsey:I think Kristy and Turtle are gonna come to blows.
Heather:I think they will too. I also think that Kirsten may do something clumsy, klutzy that bothers everybody. Like I could see her losing the flint.
Kelsey:Mm. Yeah. That does happen.
Heather:That seems to track with her general life pattern. < laugh > , which is like have the worst possible thing happen to you at any moment, but it's kind of your fault.
Darlene:But Nancy always gets out of things. So maybe her like positive luck will <laugh>,
Heather:She and Turtle are very cunning. Mm-Hmm. So you know, they might be able to salvage it. But yeah, the other team seems like there's maybe less u h, personality conflicts though. I don't think anybody's gonna like Harriet too much
Hawa:< laugh > . Yeah.
Hannah:Molly's already complaining about the food <laugh>
Heather:Claudia 100% is gonna go off on Harriet before the end of the first day.
Kelsey:Yeah. That's not gonna go over well.
Darlene:Would Claudia and Katniss get along?
Heather:I mean, Katniss just does her own thing.
Darlene:That's true.
Heather:She doesn't really have girl friends, so I think she's just along for the ride to be honest.
Kelsey:Yeah. Which can can not go well if you're a loner. People don't like that.
Hawa:Okay. But do we feel like she's gonna maybe possibly like adopt a little sister along the way? Like maybe her own version of Rue or her own version of her own sister.
:It will be Cassie. Or Addy.
Hawa:Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, because they're, yeah,
Heather:Maybe Addy. 'cause Addy I think is, yeah, I could see that Cassie's a little bit more , uh, assertive. But I could see Addy like glomming onto Katniss. But that side, there's not as much drama there. I think most of those are a little bit lower drama personalities except for Harriet. And I think they're gonna just wanna get rid of Harriet very fast.
Kelsey:Do you think Claudia and Harriet might bond over like both liking to like be secretive and like stash things away or like hide to be spies? No.
Heather:No. 'cause Claudia's hiding food and Harriet hates food.
Kelsey:You know, if Claudia tries to hide food on the island, she's gonna get in trouble. She's gonna get b < laugh > .
Kelsey:That's gonna be a problem.
Heather:That's going to be a. definite danger zone for Claudia.
Hannah:Do you think Harriet has her notebook? Are you allowed to bring any belongings with you?
Kelsey:You can bring one personal item.
Hannah:Okay. So yeah, Harriet 100 % brought her notebook with her
Hawa:But then are we including something for her to write with?
Kelsey:I think they would be generous and allow.
Hannah:Maybe The notebook and pencil counts as one item.
Kelsey:How's she gonna, I don't know how she's gonna protect it from the elements, but that's her own problem.
Hawa:< laugh > . Yeah.
Heather:Maybe it's one of those waterproof ones.
Kelsey:Yep. Yeah. Alright. So we have our first immunity challenge for the week. So this is a classic like obstacle course challenge. So in this challenge, each tribe must climb over a net frame, then crawl under an obstacle filled with sawdust. They have to load bags of puzzle pieces onto a sled. Two members at a time will move heavy san - sandbags off a track and onto a platform. And once the track is clear, they push their sled down the track to the end, transfer their puzzle bags into a crate, and then hoist the crate on top of a tower. And then once at the top, two members must use the pieces in the bag to solve a puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins. So we have some like dexterity, then we have like a, a muscle piece. And then we have the, the brains at the end. So
Speaker 2:Who you said this was from? Season 46, 41 . Okay. Well they must be recycling some challenges. Yeah . Because Okay. They
Speaker 4:Use all the same pieces in just different orders. Cool. <laugh>. So what do we think which tribe is gonna do better at this, this challenge? Do
Speaker 2:We think? I mean, Katniss and Addie are gonna be awesome at the physical part of the obstacle course because we've seen them do this before.
Speaker 5:Right. <laugh> , they're really the only characters that we have a real clear sense of their athletic ability .
Speaker 2:Paulina , because remember she ran all the way back for her.
Speaker 5:I forgot about Jose's . She , you know, what was ,
Speaker 2:She is very , um, accustomed to being outdoors and doing rigorous things and running for miles. So I think Josefina will be okay. Does Nancy
Speaker 3:Play tennis ?
Speaker 2:Oh. Oh, Nancy is is sporty. You're right.
Speaker 5:Felicity has climbed up and down things and ridden horses. Yeah ,
Speaker 2:She climbed on the roof. Yeah . She's a good horseback rider.
Speaker 4:Who's gonna do the puzzle for each team?
Speaker 2:Well ,
Speaker 5:Pleasant . I feel like Turtle.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Pleasant is gonna be turtle for sure.
Speaker 1:Maybe Harriet for Mattel
Speaker 2:Probably.
Speaker 4:But she'll mess it up and itll be drama. Mess it up . I feel like
Speaker 2:<laugh> ,
Speaker 1:She's probably gonna assert how Well she feels like she could do it though. Yeah . And then they're gonna be like, yeah, we're never putting faith in you again. Yeah,
Speaker 2:Yeah . Yeah. <laugh> , I , I think that that's how it's gonna go. So
Speaker 3:Tell Will like dominate in terms of the physical thing or like the physical aspect but then like fail in the end at the
Speaker 2:Puzzle? Yeah , I mean I could see Felicity and Cassie trying to like help with the puzzle and being kind of good at it. 'cause Felicity had that weird like scavenger hunt to the bleeding person <laugh> that
Speaker 4:She had to do. Yes, that's right.
Speaker 2:What
Speaker 5:I'm forgetting that it was like
Speaker 2:Ben I think, I don't remember his name, but he was bleeding in , in the woods and then he left clues and like she had to scavenger hunt to him and she did good at that. She found him. And Cassie just seems like the sharpest tack out of that side of the board to me. Yeah. I think she's very smart. So especially
Speaker 1:For her age.
Speaker 2:Yeah. She's very precocious. So I think both of them would be good at the puzzle. But I think Harriet's so bossy that she's going to try to do it all herself and then they'll hate her. Yeah . When she fails.
Speaker 4:So do we think pleasant is going to win?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah . Okay . I do <laugh>
Speaker 2:Because
Speaker 1:That puzzle's gonna be what keeps Mattel back. Because
Speaker 2:Christie's sporty too. Josefina has some chops. Anne is remarked on multiple times as being wiry strong. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . And she has good like agility and dexterity 'cause she did make it most of the way across the ridge pole of the roof before she fell off
Speaker 5:And she watched all those children. Like that takes, you know, and she does
Speaker 2:Far more. Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah . She's, she's sturdy
Speaker 5:And , and Harriet's not gonna deliver on the puzzle. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And turtle's really good at kicking things. <laugh> . So I think they'll be okay.
Speaker 4:Alright . So we are saying pleasant tribe's gonna win immunity. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . Mattel's gonna lose. We get back to camp after the loss on both tribes there's a frantic scramble for immunity idols. However, no one finds one. If
Speaker 8:I could find that idol then that would be genius in , in history of Survivor. How many people found the idol without
Speaker 4:A clue? So we're going to our first tribal council , Mattel is going to tribal council . Who do we think is gonna get voted out?
Speaker 2:My money's on Harriet because I think what she's gonna try to do is play the social game and go to like each of these people and be like, I heard Samantha tell Felicity that you, or blah blah blah. But it'll all just be made up And then, but do you think that someone's gonna figure it out?
Speaker 3:Oh yeah . Okay. I was gonna say, do you think the rest of them are like direct enough to confront like whoever,
Speaker 2:Oh, Claudia would, I think Claudia 100% is gonna be like, Addie told me that you said that Katniss did this and like lose it on her. 'cause Claudia has real anger management problems.
Speaker 4:But do you think people will not like that and then be mad at Claudia?
Speaker 2:No, I think they'll still be mad at Harriet 'cause she just lost the challenge for them .
Speaker 1:<laugh>. And I think that if have , if Harry had had spoken to all of them, then they would see the truth in what Claudia is feeling and be like, yeah, no I feel why she's she's that way. We need to get rid of her now before she causes more problems down the line. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like I actually think the biggest danger for Claudia would be related to food. Like if they have food, I could see her like sneaking food like more than her share . But I think because they have cat on that team and she's like great at hunting and foraging and trapping and stuff, she's gonna get them enough food to be fine. So I think food will be less of an issue over here. So Claudia may be safer because of that because they're not gonna be starving right out of the gate. Yeah .
Speaker 4:All right . So are we saying Harriet,
Speaker 2:I think Harriet's a gone .
Speaker 9:Yeah . First person voted off the island.
Speaker 4:Harriet's out
Speaker 2:First . Harriet's home friends didn't even like her <laugh> . That's so true. Like strangers definitely won't
Speaker 4:<laugh> the first. Uh, these books made me character the first out. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Tribe
Speaker 9:Is spoken.
Speaker 4:So , um, this week is based on Survivor 46. The challenge is for a reward of a fishing kit and um, immunity for a tribe. So in this challenge, one tribe, tribe member will use a machete to cut a rope which releases two wheels, which the tribe will then have to attach to a wagon. They then push the wagon to a sand pit where they will dig up to chest and load the chest onto the wagon. They'll then clear a zigzag path and push the wagon through the path to a finish line. There they will again use the puzzle pieces in the chest to build an arch shaped word puzzle . The first tribe to spell persistence and return to their mat with their arch intact wins . Who do we think is gonna dominate this time around?
Speaker 2:I mean this is kind of Kirsten's wheelhouse. Like she went in a wagon across the us Like if anybody's gonna know how to wagon, it's gonna be her. Right. Did
Speaker 1:Did Cassie not also have a wagon?
Speaker 2:No,
Speaker 1:No, no. I'm just making things up. <laugh> . I
Speaker 2:Don't think she did. She she , yeah, she booby trapped the bus.
Speaker 1:Oh. See I, when I saw wagon I thought I was thinking like a little pool wagon.
Speaker 2:<laugh> . No, that it's like a, it's a big wagon, right? Oh
Speaker 1:I
Speaker 2:Knew that. Like it's enough to, to pull two chests , which also Kirsten had a chest.
Speaker 4:True. She knows a lot about chests . <laugh> and finding them in treacherous situations.
Speaker 2:If there's a corpse involved with the chest , Kirsten's got this
Speaker 4:<laugh> , you know, if we're using that logic though, she would've dominated the last one too because she also had a sled. So That's true . Clearly didn't entirely work for her.
Speaker 2:No. 'cause they won the last one.
Speaker 4:That's true. Oh , that's true.
Speaker 2:So yeah, that's true. Kirsten's got some hidden skills for this game. Wasn't
Speaker 4:She ? <laugh> My question is we, we were worried about Pleasant Tribe having too many dominating personalities and if they have to all communicate and agree on how they're gonna move this wagon around through the course, are they gonna be able to do that effectively? Or is it gonna be too many cooks?
Speaker 1:I think it's gonna be too many cooks. And especially because I think right now, like they've already, and then they also have an additional member that Mattel doesn't have. I feel like sometimes it's easier to communicate in smaller groups. Right. And I feel like Mattel's, somebody's gonna , somebody from Mattel maybe Cat this is probably gonna rise. Or maybe Samantha will rise to the top and be like, okay guys, this is how we need to get things in order. Um, and just get it done. And also I think the whole machete cutting the machete with a rope, I feel like Cat this would be really good at that for some
Speaker 2:Reason. That's true . Yeah . No, I think for the like strength parts of this Kanu has got it. And probably Cassie too. And Addie, honestly, Addie would be a strong girl. Like she's, she's done a lot. So I think they have some strength on that team. My question on Pleasant though is that if we're taking this as the characters are the age that they were like in the beginning of their books that we read. 'cause Anne's tough 'cause she ages up a bit through the book. Nancy's significantly older than the other girls. Like most of them are like 10 to 12. Even some of them are nine at the beginning of the American girl books . But you have some younger kids and then Nancy who's like an older teen, is she gonna be the natural leader just by virtue of being significantly older than everyone? Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . Like does she have some gravitas that they're just gonna be like Yes, Nancy's in charge? Yeah,
Speaker 5:I was wondering about the age gaps and how that would affect , 'cause I mean on Survivor obviously of age gaps are too , but they're all adults. Yeah. So they've reached a certain level of physical maturity that these kids have. Not necessarily,
Speaker 2:I mean of that group Turtle and Christie would be the ones who challenge her I think . Yeah. I don't
Speaker 4:Think Christie is gonna lay down and take that. No.
Speaker 2:And like Ann I think will go along with stuff as long as Nancy's making sound decisions, I think Christie and Turtle might get their hackles up. Just having someone else boss them around. You
Speaker 3:Don't think Christie will like
Speaker 2:She is team oriented. Yeah .
Speaker 3:Well yeah, but I was also gonna say like that she wouldn't like revere Nancy A. Little bit.
Speaker 2:She might, I mean Nancy does own her own business and operate it quite successfully. So
Speaker 4:That's true. But Nancy , Nancy's also super feminine in a way that I don't think Christie would know how to relate to.
Speaker 2:Would that come across though? I mean 'cause I feel like when on Nancy's end for that, that's usually coming across in like her style. In her fashion. She's not gonna have any of that here. She's wearing a buff and <laugh> .
Speaker 4:It depends on um, which season it was when they arrived. If they are made to wear their like photo shoot they used to like make them arrive in their photo shoot clothes and then just be like suffering in like corporate blazers and
Speaker 1:<laugh>
Speaker 4:Skirts, <laugh> . Now they can kind of pick what they want.
Speaker 2:I'm going to say that there's a hidden danger from the Mattel side here because spelling persistence we have Claudia is dyslexic. No, I was gonna say I is only just learning to read.
Speaker 5:Oh
Speaker 2:Yeah .
Speaker 5:Um , I didn't think about the spelling
Speaker 2:Aspect . Samantha Felicity are both like nine Cassie's also like nine. Was any
Speaker 1:Of them ever in a spelling bee? What? Were any of them ever in
Speaker 4:A spelling bee? Addie . Yeah ,
Speaker 2:But she , she was spelling much smaller words.
Speaker 4:<laugh> and you know that Katniss is gonna do the strength part and not the puzzle part.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:'cause they probably don't know that it's a word until they get there. Well
Speaker 2:And also Katniss education was like weird 'cause it's just about
Speaker 4:Coal . Yeah.
Speaker 1:<laugh> . So are we just assuming that this in , so basically like we know that they have to spell persistence, so we don't know if they actually know how to spell persistence. Right.
Speaker 2:Well Ann for sure will ans a like crack speller
Speaker 10:Chant . Theum . C-H-R-Y-S-A-N-T-H-E-M-U-M.
Speaker 2:Correct. I mean that's a whole thing in the book where they have the spelling bee and Prissy can't spell anything. Right. And then she and Gilbert are like in a spell off and she beats them and
Speaker 5:We know that Ann would put, would make sure to put that E in there instead .
Speaker 2:Absolutely. <laugh> .
Speaker 1:Well they already have all the letters and they just have to put 'em in the right order.
Speaker 4:Well, yeah. And it's like a puzzle. Okay . So the pieces have to fit together too. To fit together. Okay. And it's like an an arch . So it has to like, it's like there's gravity involved also.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I'm going Pleasant Tribe again. I don't, I don't think Mattel's gonna figure that out. No. Okay .
Speaker 4:So Pleasant Tribe is gonna win. Oh , Mattel's got another to feed on their hands.
Speaker 2:That happens sometimes in survivors. Sometimes you have the bad tribe. How , how old are Felicity and Samantha? Nine or 10 by the end of the sixth that we read. They're just babies And Cassie's about that too, right ? He's about that too. She's
Speaker 4:Like 11. Oh, is she nine? Yeah , I think
Speaker 1:She's nine. Yeah. Elise
Speaker 2:In so as well
Speaker 1:In the book. Yeah.
Speaker 4:We're not gonna get into the ethics of like casting away <laugh> . Well
Speaker 2:Samantha will , you know , she gave her rousing child labor speech. So maybe she's gonna stand up at Tribal and be like, Jeff , this is outrageous. These are screw with the whole concept. <laugh>
Speaker 5:Just gonna take a moral stand.
Speaker 4:<laugh> . Okay, so , um, we have a he I immune , uh, so we're going back to um, we're going back to camp and a contestant. We find out that a contestant in the losing tribe has the opportunity to find a hidden immunity idol. It's
Speaker 11:A new beginning. Jeff said the immunity idol is back in the game and I'll be here looking for it and I will find it.
Speaker 4:So there is a clue to the location of the idol that is, let's say it's in one of the bags that they pick up. Um, going back to camp, they find it's buried. So one of the, the contestants finds it, it has to, and then they have to get to it's leads them to a clue which has to be found tucked between the limbs of a random tree. Do we think anybody is going to notice the, the clue hidden among their stuff? And if so, who do we think is gonna see it? And this is with the losing tribe. So Mattel, Cassie, Felicity, Samantha, Claudia, add Addie , Claudia, Addie or Kaus .
Speaker 2:Katniss is super observant 'cause of her hunting. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . So like , I think she's very likely to notice anything that's out of place added unusual.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 5:And Samantha likes to watch Ants on the ground. <laugh>. That's
Speaker 2:True. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Alright , so maybe Catniss finds this clue.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean if it was a little bit more hidden and not something that's that close to their campsite, I would say Felicity has a good chance because we know she's good at scavenger hunts. But yeah, if it's just, if it's that close, I think Katniss is gonna find it like that.
Speaker 4:Okay . Do we think that Kane is , uh, gonna tell anyone that she found this cool ? No.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:I think that Katniss is one of those people who are like, yeah , she's technically on a team, but I feel like she's probably still feels like an individual. Yeah . Mm-Hmm ? <affirmative> .
Speaker 2:Mm-Hmm ? <affirmative> . Mm-Hmm . <affirmative>
Speaker 4:Agree . All right , so the clue says the idol is buried 20 pieces north. North from the tribe flag, which means it's very public. So she's gonna have to strategically try to,
Speaker 2:She's
Speaker 4:Stealthy. Find it.
Speaker 8:So I look in the tree, I look up, I almost passed out. I seen it sitting there. So I reached up there, yanked it down, got it loose, put it in my underwear, turned around, just walked off.
Speaker 2:We know she's stealthy. She she does it all the time. And she's got those good camouflage painting skills, <laugh> . So she can just full on disappear if she needs to.
Speaker 5:But did she learn them from peta ?
Speaker 2:She did because remember at the beginning where they're going to, oh, maybe that was in catching fire. <laugh> , when they go to the different stations to practice things, it was catching fire. But they spend like all of their time with the two, like , uh, morphing attics at Mm-Hmm . Like painting each other at the stations. I think she, she, she has skills for that. Okay.
Speaker 4:Okay. So we think that maybe in the dead of night, one night she's gotten up and gone to this site and dug up the idol. So Kaus has an idol? Yes . Okay. Let me mark that. All right . So we are, our losing tribe is going to tribal council . Important note. Kane's Idol can only be played up to the final five. All right , so we're at final tribal. Is anybody sorry, what does that mean? So every um, every tribal council, at least one person will be voted out. Countess can play her idol up until there's five people left. Okay . After that she cannot play it.
Speaker 1:So she doesn't have to use it. This go around , she does
Speaker 4:Not have to use it . Now
Speaker 2:She'll hang on to it until she thinks she needs it. Yes . Yes. And I don't think she's gonna need it this time around because she's really carrying this team <laugh> this morning .
Speaker 1:<laugh> ,
Speaker 4:Uh , the , just, just as an aside , um, the decision of win tease , use your idol is like a very difficult decision and survivor and a lot of time people go home with their idol in their , their pocket
Speaker 2:Hand .
Speaker 4:Yeah. Because they're too cocky and they think, oh, if I just save it. 'cause they wanna have that like moment where like they held it all the way to the end. They , they didn't even need it. They had it, but they didn't need it. Yeah . And people get too confident and then they, they go home. So. Wow. It happens a lot. Especially 46. Um, so, alright . So we don't think Katniss is gonna play it. Who's getting voted out this time?
Speaker 2:Claudia?
Speaker 4:I'm wondering about Felicity and Samantha. I was
Speaker 1:Wondering about Felicity also.
Speaker 2:I could see Samantha. I think Felicity is still useful to this group.
Speaker 4:They're still maybe focusing on like strength or
Speaker 2:Well physical. Well , and Felicity can do things that might help survival skills . Like she can do a , like I could see her kind of watching Kaus and following her lead. 'cause she has some physical ability. Like she's a good climber. She's pretty fast. She's, she's got a little bit of physical skills,
Speaker 12:You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills.
Speaker 2:And I don't know that we're gonna see any of that from Samantha so far.
Speaker 4:Also, Felicity grew up without like electricity. Yeah . <laugh> .
Speaker 2:So she
Speaker 1:Knows
Speaker 4:How to like start a fire and stuff.
Speaker 2:<laugh> . Yeah. And Samantha grew up with lots of servants. Yes.
Speaker 1:So she didn't have to do anything.
Speaker 2:Anything.
Speaker 4:And I can just see her being really quiet, which people just kind of are like me.
Speaker 2:But I think Claudia's not bringing many skills to the table either. I mean, she doesn't, she's not particularly athletic,
Speaker 1:But she's crafty. That could come in
Speaker 2:Handy. They haven't really had anything where that's a useful skill though.
Speaker 1:But they maybe have picked that up. Well, they haven't had anything yet, but it could come in and they could see that and like, you know, 'cause Claudia, I feel like you can look at her and tell that she's crafty. So like they probably, do they have bunks or something? I don't know. No . Where they sleep? Do they just sleep outside floor ? On floor . On the floor? Yeah . Well she probably has like went out and like somehow find a way to like deck out her spot on the floor or something. I don't
Speaker 2:Know . Do you think she would, I feel like she would just complain a lot.
Speaker 1:<laugh> .
Speaker 2:Like she's, she complains a lot in the books about things. That's true . That's , and , and she takes offense to everything. Like I just, I feel like she's gonna be getting short with people. All right . And she's hungry probably. Oh yeah. I mean 'cause there's not gonna be any fast food or Oreos or gummy bears or anything. So she's eating fish and things . She probably doesn't want to eat. Yeah . I think she's gonna be hangry and start to get on everyone's nerves
Speaker 1:And they're gonna be like, yeah, we we're gonna vote you off just so we don't have to hear you complain anymore. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah , I know . Yeah. I could see that.
Speaker 2:But I could see Samantha too. I think it's one of them.
Speaker 4:It gets tricky though because sometimes , um, early on the wild card that they think you think is gonna, like, even right now in 47, there's a person who very clearly should have been voted off. Who just, they just carry on for so long. So,
Speaker 2:Well the other thing is on this team, are they going see, but again, I just, they're so young other than Katniss , I feel like they're not gonna have the savvy for this at this point to see who the threats are versus who's not a threat. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . Because sometimes you carry the dead weight because you know that they're not gonna get votes in the end. Yeah. Maybe
Speaker 4:Claudia
Speaker 2:Too literal 'cause she's going to like bother everybody. So maybe Samantha goes,
Speaker 3:But also, how old is Claudia? Because I was gonna say maybe Claudia sticks around and is like the sort of like babysitter for Yeah . Like the younger kids.
Speaker 4:I don't know . I think she is more likable than not Babysitter . The kids would think <laugh>
Speaker 2:Maybe. So, I mean, she is popular at school and I'm not seeing a lot of that from the other folks in this group. Cassie has a strong personality and if we're saying Cassie and Katniss Bond , I could see them getting rid of Samantha just 'cause they feel like Claudia won't be a threat to them physically down the road.
Speaker 3:Also. Does Samantha need What? What do you win at the end of Survivor?
Speaker 4:Uh , a million dollars.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly. So I feel like they would be like, she's not in need of this money. Like, it
Speaker 4:Depends on if Samantha's revealed that or not. 'cause sometimes people lie. Mm . But I, I don't know if Samantha would lie.
Speaker 2:I don't think she would, don't think she would .
Speaker 3:Would it just naturally come out and they're like, what can you do? And she's like, nothing <laugh>
Speaker 4:My servants do that. Okay. So we think Samantha's.
Speaker 2:I think Samantha's a gone . Mm-Hmm.
Speaker 4:<affirmative> . Okay . Mattel tribe's not looking good?
Speaker 2:Nope.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 13:All right. I need to come back. I was believing in y'all.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I was. I I felt good about them, but uh, apparently not. All right , so we're moving into week three. This is based on Survivor 24. The university universally reviled one world . The challenge this week is for a canoe, which is an exciting prize, especially if you already have fishing equipment like our friends in the pleasant tribe. And for immunity in this challenge , um, they're going to be blindfolding pairs of tribe mates to get to different stations scattered on an obstacle course . So one person's gonna be the caller who will yell out instructions and directions to the other pairs. When a pair reaches a station, they must pull an A handle to an overhead bucket of water to release a bag of puzzle pieces. As always, there will be a puzzle to do at the end with their blindfolds off. So first piece, instructing people around who, who do we think is gonna give the clearest and loudest directions? And then second piece, who's going to solve the puzzle efficiently?
Speaker 2:Well, I think Claudia's gonna point herself as the caller for Mattel.
Speaker 4:You think so? 'cause she's loud.
Speaker 2:I do. And I think that they'll be okay with that because it's not like she's really bringing other skills to the table. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . And since it's a like solve the puzzle at the end, if it's puzzle pieces, Claudia probably would be the best at that. 'cause she's very visual and spacial. Um, so she's the caller from Mattel. I think.
Speaker 4:I think Christie is really gonna wanna do it. 'cause she prides herself on her loud voice. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And I I could see them going along with that Turtle will be bitter about it, but she'll get on board . I think <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Yeah , I think that sounds good. Christie's gonna call. Claudia's gonna call and then they have to solve a puzzle at the end. So who do we think is gonna do that better? Ooh ,
Speaker 2:I could see Mattel winning this one because if they're, so they're in partners, but like I can see partnership, Cassie and Kane and Felicity and Addie. I don't think they're gonna like really step on each other's toes. I think they could actually work collaboratively. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> on the pleasant side. Kirsten's kind of a dummy. Y'all <laugh> ,
Speaker 14:You big dummy.
Speaker 2:I feel like she's gonna get mixed up and go right when Christie says left. And then they're gonna get mad at her. Turtle is likely to get so annoyed with her partner that she kicks them. <laugh> . Molly is not great at life. So I don't, <laugh>
Speaker 15:Not great at life. <laugh> .
Speaker 2:So I feel like she might get hurt or something. I , I don't know. I think Pleasant could struggle on this one. They don't don't have to use everyone. Right, Kelsey ? Because ,
Speaker 4:So yeah , usually they
Speaker 2:Would It has to even out the Yeah,
Speaker 4:Usually three . Uh , two of them would sit out.
Speaker 2:Okay, well therefore sure. Gonna make Molly sit out. Yeah, I think so. And then her feelings will be hurt. If they're smart, they'll make Kirsten sit out. <laugh> <laugh> .
Speaker 4:She did get lost in the snow for a long time, so I don't know if directions are gonna be her forte.
Speaker 2:Nope. I , I like Mattel's chances in this challenge.
Speaker 1:<laugh> . Me too. I think that this is the one that's gonna really like, allow 'em to,
Speaker 2:It's their time to shine.
Speaker 1:Shine. Yes.
Speaker 4:You know? Yeah. I mean they , they haven't won anything yet, so they're probably hungry. They um, and sleeping on like hard ground 'cause they haven't gotten the construction kit. So they probably are feeling a little like, we need to win something here. So that might boost them . Yeah. All right . So Mattel's gonna win. Okay . That means Pleasant has their first loss. Um, so if a since a new tribe has won, same thing, hidden immunity , idol Clue is gonna be , um, hidden amongst their stuff when they get back to camp while
Speaker 11:They meditate and getting ready for the challenge. I guess that's what they were meditating for. I'm looking for the hidden immunity idol.
Speaker 4:Do we think someone is going to find this clue among the pleasant folks ?
Speaker 2:Turtle will stay up all night looking for it. So, okay . I mean she's not gonna let go of that easily. That is her thing. But Nancy will just stumble across it because <laugh> Well that's possible. I know it falls out of a tree and puts Nancy in the head.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think Turtle, if she, if she observes that there's a clue to be found, once she gets it, she will get it. But the question is who's gonna observe the clue? Mm . Which
Speaker 2:Might be fancy . Jose
Speaker 4:Hosna .
Speaker 2:I think Josefina is the most observant of that group. I think Josefina is a real sleeper in this one. Y'all. She has some skills. She's not going to like irritate anybody 'cause she's super nice.
Speaker 1:She might make it . I think she's gonna make it far.
Speaker 2:Actually I think she will too.
Speaker 4:Josefina finds it Now. Is she gonna successfully, it's the same clue. So she has to get it in front of, kind of in a public place. Do we think she's gonna be able to do that quietly?
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah .
Speaker 4:She's quiet . Yeah , she's sneaky.
Speaker 2:She's a little mouse. All right .
Speaker 4:So Josefina has ,
Speaker 2:No one's ever gonna know she has <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Yeah . Is she gonna tell
Speaker 2:Anyone's not gonna tell anybody? She barely talks to people. <laugh> .
Speaker 4:All right . So we have two secret idols, which I'll be honest guys is rare. Usually someone spills the beans whether they want to or not. But all right , so we, we have two idols no one knows about. Um, we're going to tribal council with Pleasant. Who
Speaker 3:Will the guilt?
Speaker 4:Will the guilt? I don't
Speaker 3:Know. Like will the guilt like force uh, Jose to say something? Oh,
Speaker 2:I could totally see Josefina giving the idol to someone she cared about if she thought that person was in danger. I just don't know who that's gonna be yet.
Speaker 3:Between Molly and Ki . Kirsten ?
Speaker 2:No. <laugh> . I don't think she's
Speaker 4:No American girl. Uh , alliances? I
Speaker 2:Don't think so.
Speaker 4:Do we think there are any alliances forming in
Speaker 16:Play ?
Speaker 3:It's like the Black Widow
Speaker 4:Over again . We talked about on Mattel possible some
Speaker 2:Alliances . Yes. Mattel. I, I like the like Kanes and Addie or Kanes and Cassie Bond. I think it would be Addie. I think Katniss could feel really maternal. 'cause I think Addie would remind her more of prim than Cassie would . Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> .
Speaker 1:Yeah. 'cause I think uh , prim , uh, Addie and Prim are probably like more like a little
Speaker 2:More like similar. Yeah. On the other side.
Speaker 3:I feel like Nancy and Ann have really like similar personalities.
Speaker 2:Well would that work
Speaker 1:In
Speaker 2:Their family ? Anne will think Nancy's so pretty. And that is like a huge criteria in her hand for how much she likes somebody
Speaker 3:Like Yeah . Their hair . She's
Speaker 2:Gonna be like, your hair is so pretty. <laugh> . Um, that's the color I wanted my hair to be. <laugh> . Yeah. And Nancy will eat that up. <laugh> ,
Speaker 3:But which Nancy? She's seen the redhead or the
Speaker 2:Red , the redheaded Nancy or the blonde Nancy. I
Speaker 4:Think I do think Nancy is strategic and would have an alliance for sure.
Speaker 2:I think
Speaker 3:Yes
Speaker 4:Too. And this is the time when it would form. 'cause when they're winning, they're not thinking about it.
Speaker 2:I could see Turtle trying to make an alliance and then kind of botching it a bit. And that's basically what she did in her book. I don't, I don't see anyone in this group. Maybe Josefina.
Speaker 3:I feel like Christie will reach out to Molly and Kristen as like a , I feel like you guys are in danger. Like do you know she's gonna try to
Speaker 2:Babysit
Speaker 3:Them to try to be like the sort of like boss or
Speaker 2:That could make for an interesting vote then? Because to me on that list, Molly's the obvious person that people are gonna get annoyed with. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . But if, if we're saying Christie has a little sub alliance with Kirsten and Molly, then she's probably safe because Turtle's gonna wild card Josefina iss kind of on her own. She might end up with Nancy and Nancy the same. So it's whether we think Nancy and Anne can convince either Josefina or Turtle onto their side
Speaker 4:And then the other one goes and
Speaker 3:I feel like they could,
Speaker 4:Who do
Speaker 3:We think? Well no, but I also feel like just because Christie like formed an alliance with like Kristin and Molly doesn't necessarily mean they're like safe, but
Speaker 2:It's by vote. If Molly has for sure three people who are not voting for her and my guess is that vote for Turtle because Christie's not gonna get along with Turtle. Yeah . At
Speaker 4:All. They're gonna , there's gonna be some power struggle there.
Speaker 2:So then if Nancy and Ann can be talked into also voting for Turtle or Josefina can be talked into voting for turtle turtles a garner. She won't have the votes to counter it . You
Speaker 3:Don't think Nancy and Ann would already automatically want to be getting rid of Molly? And so that's already two guaranteed votes and they just have to get Jose Josefina and Turtle.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So then it's
Speaker 4:Gonna be close
Speaker 2:Is which side do we think? So Josefina is then the wild card. Do we think that Christie would be more convincing to Josefina or Nancy?
Speaker 4:I think Josefina is gonna want everyone to get along. So the question is who do we think is worse for the group dynamic?
Speaker 2:Uh , probably Turtle Yeah .
Speaker 3:Is worse
Speaker 2:Than Molly.
Speaker 4:I think she's very brash and bossy.
Speaker 2:Molly at least had friends but independent .
Speaker 3:But , but it also depends on who's been helping them the most win in the past.
Speaker 2:Well yes, but that person could also be viewed as a threat. Like they're the stronger team. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . And if you lose Turtle, Nancy and Anne are both very sharp and probably like their chances at solving puzzles. Oh I see. Kristy also likes her chances at solving puzzles. So I could see them wanting to get rid of Turtle because she's more of a threat to get immunity. She's more of a threat to like
Speaker 4:Yeah. And if Josefina a swing vote she may not care as much about winning. She, I mean obviously she'll want to win challenges, but she may feel it's more important to like have a peaceful camp experience. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I think Turtles getting voted off.
Speaker 4:Bye . <laugh>.
Speaker 17:<laugh> .
Speaker 4:I really thought Turtle was gonna win. So this is a surprise. But I mean I think also not a surprise, I
Speaker 2:Think Turtle really needed to find that immunity. Yeah . Like that was, I, I think Turtles path to success was getting an idol.
Speaker 4:But I also think Turtle might be too confident to have pleaded then anyway. Yeah. All right . So we're down to six and five
Speaker 2:Turtle's totally gonna give a like I hate all of you speech <laugh> ,
Speaker 17:She's off . Oh yeah.
Speaker 4:Haven't been asking. But how do we think turtle's gonna react? The
Speaker 3:Tribe is
Speaker 2:Spoken. Oh, she's big mad <laugh>. But she won't make jury even. Right? Yeah.
Speaker 4:Not even jury . What is jury ? So after we get down to the final, how did I set this up? The final seven, but at some point you start, they start usually after the tribes merge. When you vote people off, they make it onto the jury. And the jury is the group that actually votes for who should win the money. So you have to have kind of a dual strategy. 'cause on the one hand you have to vote people off for your competition, but on the other hand do it in such a way that they don't hate you. So that they will give you money at the end.
Speaker 2:Or that they hate you enough. That they respect Yes.
Speaker 4:<laugh>
Speaker 2:You for it. Like okay , they don't like you as a human being but they, they like , they
Speaker 4:Underst respect it was the game .
Speaker 3:Yeah. So strategic boat turtle out then. 'cause it doesn't seem like she would have, she would take it any other way. Like she would take
Speaker 2:It positive. Well I mean Turtle I think on the jury would actually be good for a person that's kind of ruthless. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> because I think she would, she would respect that that begrudgingly admit that that person had played well and then she would go for that rather than a Josefina who slid under the radar kind of person. Okay, gotcha . But yeah, she's gone anyway . So
Speaker 4:Usually it is the people's goal if not to win, to at least make the jury. So usually people are very sad if they get voted out before
Speaker 2:They Yeah , I , I think turtles live it about not making the jury.
Speaker 4:I would , I think that would be her goal. Alright , we are into week four. This is based on Survivor 22 Redemption Island. Which was kind of a weird aside. They did where they let people who got voted off fight to the death to come back. Not actually to the death but that was the vibe. Um, we're not gonna have that in this 'cause that would be too much of an aside. Um, um, but um, our challenge this time is for a reward of a barbecue feast and also for immunity. I can already see um, Claudia in particular being
Speaker 2:Motivated for this .
Speaker 4:Maybe Molly as well . Um , so for this challenge, both tribes will make their way over a balance beam where they will then use a crowbar to open a crate and retrieve a shovel. The shovel will then be used to dig to find an axe. The axe will be used to chop a log that will release a rope holding two saws. The saws will be used to cut through a wall releasing planks. The planks will be used to complete a ramp that will get the entire tribe to the top , the top of a platform where they must hammer three nails to break three tiles. The final step is to put the toolbox containing all the tools used in the challenge on top of the table on the platform first tribe to complete all tasks would win the challenge. So
Speaker 1:Cassie's family like had like land, right? Like and like there are probably tools and things around and shovels and, and things I could be reaching but I don't know. I feel like she would be good
Speaker 2:At that. Yeah. I'm liking Mattel for this one. Yeah, I think Kane has plenty of skills in this sort of think Kane a good arena. <laugh> , I think Cassie's bringing some, some strength to it. I think Addie's bringing some strength to it and really Claudia would be the only one that might be not as great at following directions. Like if they listen to Kaus and at this point I don't really see that they wouldn't 'cause Claudia is not gonna be particularly great at this. I like their chances.
Speaker 4:Yeah. The other question is , um, often in these challenges, the balance scheme is what really slows a lot of groups
Speaker 2:Down.
Speaker 4:<laugh> and I could see the patent
Speaker 2:Will be awesome at that.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I could see everyone on that tribe being good at balancing <laugh> .
Speaker 2:Molly's gonna fall off. Gonna not send Molly to do any of this . <laugh> .
Speaker 4:Molly sit out like's not a balancer. I
Speaker 2:Don't think that Anna's a good balancer because she was able to walk a good portion of the rich pull of a roof roof . Some picket fences
Speaker 5:Until , until she fell off <laugh> .
Speaker 1:Yeah . I feel like Nancy could probably good at the balance beam.
Speaker 2:She probably has like dance lessons or something. Yeah and Josefina is a good dancer. We did hear about that in her book.
Speaker 5:I mean I can tell you that dancers are uh , one of the clut group of people that personal experience. Oh , um, they're only graceful in the studio on the stage. Oh well actually no when they're concentrating. So they might be fine
Speaker 2:<laugh> . Yeah. I mean some of this is like brute strength stuff though. Prying open a crate digging up the axe. Yeah. I like Mattel on this one. This one is more of a physical challenge and I think they have the stronger physical team at this point. Right ?
Speaker 5:Claudia's an artist so she's not unused to using tools even though Yeah , that's true . She's more of a painter but uh , she's probably dabbled in some other things.
Speaker 4:Okay. So we've got Mattel winning this one, which means pleasant is going to tribal council . We already got our um, both immunity idols have been found. Oh, so it's
Speaker 1:Only one part team.
Speaker 2:Wait, do all of them have to make it over the balance beam or just one of them to go retrievement All of them . Oh well that really, I think pleasant companies got some injuries now. <laugh>
Speaker 4:Are they they might be wounded. Yeah.
Speaker 2:I I think we've got some injuries. Okay. Molly for sure. <laugh>.
Speaker 18:<laugh> . Heather's like , I dunno , we gonna live there . Just slide by that
Speaker 2:<laugh> .
Speaker 4:That is important to note 'cause that will uh , hinder future challenges.
Speaker 2:Anne is also somewhat injury prone. Like she, she has some accidents in her books too.
Speaker 5:Do we think Kirsten managed to fall onto a , a nest of winged stingy insects? Hello
Speaker 19:Bees? Hello Bees. Please come over here and let me say hello. Hello. Bees just want some honey <laugh> .
Speaker 2:I feel like Kirsten went completely the wrong direction and they're just like trying to get her back to the like obstacle course or something.
Speaker 4:I see. I feel like what Kirsten would do is she probably solved something really well but then left the saw behind and then they got to the end totally. And she had to go all the way back down and get it. Mm . And that's what , that's what killed them .
Speaker 2:Molly just repeatedly fell off of the balance beam. I feel like at this point Molly has broken her glasses and now is like ably vision impaired and is having issues from that as well. Where ,
Speaker 5:Where in the books do we have evidence that Molly is klutzy though? Like she's certainly a flail in like a metaphorical sense but nowhere. But Molly has dance trained the
Speaker 2:Whole thing at the camp.
Speaker 5:Sure. But an effective isn't necessarily klutzy
Speaker 2:But it is when you can't see, I mean they make such a like point of her vision being so horrible and that like she can't do things without her glasses. Hmm .
Speaker 20:Does she have her glasses with
Speaker 2:Her? Well she would've to start, but like, well that be the other thing is Turtle probably would've stolen her glasses <laugh> just to be a jerk.
Speaker 5:She could
Speaker 4:Go full Russell hands and just like, I bet Turtle would've been the Russell hands of this, which I know you
Speaker 2:Don't all know hundred percent is the Russell Hands
Speaker 8:This group hands . Yeah . They can be my little puppets. They'll run when I tell 'em to run. They'll walk when I tell 'em to walk when I'm finished with them . Just throw 'em in the trash.
Speaker 4:Like anything she can do to sabotage. Yep . Um , okay, so we , we think who
Speaker 3:Doesn't have the stamina? Who does? Would Molly have stamina? That's
Speaker 4:What I think is gonna be her issue. She's gonna get halfway through and be like, I'm tired. <laugh> . All right . So we think Mattel won that challenge? I think so. Okay. So we go to tribal council , pleasant is gonna tribal council . Remember Josefina has an idol. Does not have to use it right now. Do we think that she does?
Speaker 2:No, I don't think so.
Speaker 3:Well it depends on who potentially is being voted out because or who she senses is getting voted out and whether she thinks positively of them and wants to save them. If we are saying that Christie , Kirsten , and Molly have an alliance and they're gonna choose one person like either Ann or Nancy Mm-Hmm. Would Josefina use it to save them? Mm . And also what would happen if Nancy and Anne convince Josefina to choose one person on the other? And it's like, and
Speaker 2:It's a tie tie .
Speaker 4:Then they either revote with those two people and then if that doesn't work they draw rocks and it's random.
Speaker 2:Yeah,
Speaker 4:We could go to rocks. I didn't , I mean I didn't write that in. But
Speaker 2:<laugh> I think, I think Christie and Nancy are both gonna be lobbying Josefina hard to join their alliance and she's gonna be deeply uncomfortable. But I don't really think she's in danger though. I don't know. Who do we think Christie's going to wanna vote out? Because I think Kirsten and Molly are just gonna do whatever Christie says. Now if Nancy is smart, she's gonna go to Molly and try to flip her because I think Molly could easily be flipped if you flattered her enough.
Speaker 5:Hmm .
Speaker 4:I think Kristy and Nancy are gonna have tension now. The turtle's gone.
Speaker 2:Oh , I think so too.
Speaker 4:So I think Kristy might be lobbying for Nancy.
Speaker 2:So do we think Molly could be flipped because Nancy's older and cooler and flatters her? Or do you think she's in for the long haul with Kristy ?
Speaker 3:Do well, did we, did we say that she's not perceptive <laugh> . So is she gonna know that she's in danger or that she's not really like of , because if she feels like her time in this game is gonna like be over, if she's no longer in an like alliance with Christie , she might keep Christie around. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like I
Speaker 2:Don't Yeah , I just think she's gullible.
Speaker 3:Mm-Hmm . Yeah.
Speaker 4:And she might get annoyed. Like if she's been in alliance with Christie and Christie's bossing her around, she might be like, over it.
Speaker 2:I could totally see that because Molly, like, remember the knitting project all went sideways because Molly couldn't get along with people. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> and like got upset about people taking her idea and stuff. I, I think Nancy might be able to flip Molly. Nancy's pretty shrewd with people.
Speaker 3:She is.
Speaker 4:And Jose , if she's got Josefina on her side too, like Josefina we said is a really good listener. So she might be willing to make Molly feel if Molly's complaining about everything, like make Molly feel heard and Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> that would entice her as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I like it. I think age gives Nancy a leg up here and Anne's really good with kids, so I could see her helping with that somehow. Like understanding what's making Molly tick.
Speaker 4:So the question is, are they gonna go for Kirsten or Christie ?
Speaker 2:Oh, I think they get Christie out. She's ,
Speaker 4:Even though Kristy's the strength, are they ready to get rid of the threat or do they wanna keep winning or start winning?
Speaker 2:Mm . That's a good question.
Speaker 3:I mean, how much strength does a 12-year-old have ? <laugh> ?
Speaker 2:Well, more than a 9-year-old
Speaker 4:In context .
Speaker 2:<laugh> .
Speaker 3:Um , should we just
Speaker 21:Have aged them all up to like 25?
Speaker 3:I think I
Speaker 4:Was thinking we were doing that at first, but I actually kind of like it better
Speaker 2:<laugh> . I think I do too because it , it's , it's a big part of the dynamics. It ,
Speaker 22:It kind of reminds me of Hunger Games. Like Hunger Games definitely had a range of like
Speaker 3:Ages. So Yeah , that's true. They did.
Speaker 2:Okay. I I think Nancy flips Molly, Nancy,
Speaker 4:Flip Molly and goes for Kirsten.
Speaker 2:I mean she could to get the weak link out, but it's, do they think that Christie is either cunning enough to then somehow reverse that flip? Or do they think that Christie's gonna stop working for the tribe if she's in her feelings about her alliance falling apart? Which I think is possible. 'cause Christie does hold a grudge.
Speaker 3:Same . And if she's out, is she on jury?
Speaker 2:Not yet, right ?
Speaker 3:Not yet . Oh ,
Speaker 4:Not yet. Okay.
Speaker 3:So then I feel like the strategic one would be
Speaker 2:Christie . I think so too.
Speaker 4:Okay. Christie's out. All the big hitters are gone. We are back to evenly match tribes. Not one clear dominating, which is exciting. All right . We have 10 left. We're in week five. This is based on survivor 17. Um, the challenge is for a reward of a pastry bar again, another motivator. Oh ,
Speaker 3:Claudia . Claudia there. Claudia
Speaker 2:Is all in on this challenge .
Speaker 3:Claudia's locked in.
Speaker 2:Claudia has never worked this hard in her life. Yes .
Speaker 3:We didn't put Stacy on this.
Speaker 1:Oh , that be , oh no .
Speaker 2:I mean otherwise will totally if she wins , be like this is for you Stacy .
Speaker 1:<laugh> .
Speaker 3:You I was gonna say, do they have confessionals ?
Speaker 1:They do.
Speaker 4:Um, all right , so this is your classic survivor endurance challenge. Team endurance. So each tribe is gonna be tethered to a 20 foot, 200 pound cloth snake. So it's kind of like they like wear it over their heads or like hold onto it depends on how it's constructed, but they kind of like hold onto this giant snake. They have to walk in and oval just like on and on and on running counterclockwise around the course and carrying this uh, snake. And basically the idea is don't catch up to one another and also keep going as people get tired out, they can unhook themselves, which in one hand they're not slowing down the rest of the group. But on the other hand, like the people left have to keep carrying more weight. Like this 200 pound object. Um, so it's kind of a, a catch 22 there of how you're gonna help your tribe best. The first tribe to catch the other tribe and touch one of the opposing tribe members wins. So who do we think is gonna be better at this kind of strength endurance challenge?
Speaker 2:This is gonna be very tough though for Team Mattel because, oh really ? Three, well I guess there's three on this side too. But like Kaus is, they talk frequently in the book that she is pretty small. Like she's not a large person 'cause they haven't eaten well and then the three nine year olds
Speaker 1:Are gonna be
Speaker 2:<laugh> pretty small . 200 pounds is gonna be a lot for that group to carry.
Speaker 1:That's probably like at least three of them combined. Like that's maybe being a little dramatic, but like still
Speaker 2:No, that's probably about right. <laugh> . Like I , I bet none of those nine year olds are a hundred pounds and Kanu is probably just barely if that 'cause she's little. So, and I don't know that Claudia's like super strong.
Speaker 1:I feel like she just wants that pastry <laugh> . I feel like they're gonna try to all hold on but they're gonna struggle. Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's gonna be whether the pleasant tribe can work together and I don't know, Kirsten and Molly are both a little bit maybe not the best at team
Speaker 4:Work . I don't think Molly's gonna tough it out very long.
Speaker 1:I think she , I was gonna say I think she's gonna be first to go. Yeah .
Speaker 2:Oh, she's gonna bail for sure.
Speaker 1:Are we saying that the pleasant tribe is not pleasant <laugh> ?
Speaker 2:Um, don't , but
Speaker 3:I think they've gotten, I think they've gotten rid of Christie so I don't think that they're just not any gonna fight. Yeah . Yeah. Like I think at this point it's a pretty solid team. I just don't know if they all have the stamina. I feel like Nancy does. Ann , I don't know.
Speaker 2:I mean Ann should have good stamina. I think she's walked everywhere like her entire life. She helps Matthew on the farm with the cows and stuff. Oh that's true. They talk about how she's wiry strong. Like she's been schlepping babies around since she was a baby herself.
Speaker 5:I mean the question is how is uh, how is Pleasant tribe eating and how is that affecting their stam at this point?
Speaker 4:They have a fishing kit so that could help them
Speaker 5:Do they know how to fish? I
Speaker 1:Feel like Jose, Jose could be helpful with that last ,
Speaker 2:Well Josefina has definitely like got good foraging skills. Yeah . 'cause she learned like how to identify plants and stuff from her Tia . Right.
Speaker 5:And this locale,
Speaker 4:You know, Felicity might have good endurance because horseback riding requires a lot of leg strength. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I think they're gonna be neck and neck.
Speaker 2:I think so too.
Speaker 1:But I think that ultimately maybe Mattel
Speaker 3:Really, I think it's ultimately they're gonna give up sooner.
Speaker 2:Addie shouldn't have great stamina though too. 'cause she's been, she's been working Yeah . Since she was old enough to walk. Like she's been working hard labor in fields. Yeah. I kind of think it's gonna
Speaker 4:Be the mental, not the physical.
Speaker 3:Well, okay. But how many of them have like upper body strength versus just they walk or like they're good on their feet?
Speaker 2:Probably just Katniss and Addie on that side. Maybe Cassie, I don't know the other side. Upper body strength. Nancy and Anne . Probably not the rest.
Speaker 3:Not Jose either.
Speaker 2:Well, she hasn't been like schlepping a bunch of stuff. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> , you know , like she's used to being outdoors but she hasn't been working the farm or anything like that.
Speaker 1:Okay. I can see the case for Pleasant.
Speaker 2:I think this one's gonna be really close. I think I ultimately think it's Mattel.
Speaker 5:I think it's gonna be Mattel
Speaker 2:Because I think Molly's gonna quit when she, when it gets hard. 'cause she kind of does that. I think even with the pep could easily do something incorrectly that sets them back. There is also still the language barrier issue on the pleasant side. 'cause Kirsten's English is not perfect at this point. Right? Oh,
Speaker 4:I didn't , I did not think
Speaker 5:Language barrier because Yeah , and Josefina and
Speaker 2:Jose also gonna be,
Speaker 4:But you don't need language for this challenge.
Speaker 2:Well, but to communicate with your team like, or to like hype them up if they're starting to flag or to yell at Molly when she tries to quit
Speaker 5:<laugh> and Anne's gonna be using the most complicated flower words ever.
Speaker 2:And we'll be talking the whole time. Yeah. <laugh> ,
Speaker 5:They might have learned
Speaker 2:Despair
Speaker 5:With the snake hearing and talking by the end of the season, but uh, they're going to speak like a , a a , you know, heroine in a romantic novel.
Speaker 1:<laugh> <laugh> .
Speaker 2:Uh , I may go Mattel on this one. What do y'all think?
Speaker 5:I think it's gonna be Mattel .
Speaker 1:I like the way Mattel sounds.
Speaker 2:Okay. Okay .
Speaker 4:Go Mattel . Mattel wins . So that means pleasant is once again headed to , um,
Speaker 2:Tough stuff.
Speaker 4:Tribal council member Josefina has her , uh, her idol.
Speaker 2:They've gotta be getting rid of Molly this time, right? Finally.
Speaker 3:I think so.
Speaker 2:I think she's more dead weight than Kirsten is. Yeah. I
Speaker 1:Think because Molly, I feel like, sorry I'm so far from the mic. I feel like Molly would be the one who had , would've dropped the snake first and they just would've been like, oh, we're we're done with you. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well and I think she's gonna have been complaining and complaining and complaining this whole time. She'll probably vote herself and Kirsten at least is probably just happy to be there. <laugh> , can they
Speaker 1:Vote for themselves?
Speaker 2:<laugh> ? I'll know they're not allowed .
Speaker 1:Like I'm ready to go home.
Speaker 4:But there have been times where people have just like said like, I just wanna go home. And then Jeff gets really mad at them and gives a speech about quitters and then like, does a live vote to shame them and then they'll
Speaker 2:Go home. <laugh> ,
Speaker 3:Maybe that'll happen.
Speaker 2:That could tell . So then
Speaker 3:Molly doesn't have any ill feelings toward the other members . She just has ill feelings towards
Speaker 2:Jeff <laugh> .
Speaker 4:So you think Molly's out? I
Speaker 2:Think so.
Speaker 3:Yeah . Yeah . I think it's just a matter of like in what way? Because I could also see like Nancy and Ann and Josefina like sitting her down and just having
Speaker 2:This like Yeah . Molly, we're just concerned for you. We can tell you don't wanna be here anymore. <laugh>.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I think that this won't be a , a surprise even though they'll , um, edit it to seem like Molly didn't know it was coming <laugh> . So
Speaker 2:I could at this point see Molly having like really offended Josefina and by like, wanting to play a fun game of orphans or something because she's super insensitive. Actually that would've been Nancy too with her mom playing .
Speaker 3:Oh my God .
Speaker 2:Or playing war . Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I think Molly like Molly's a Yeah, her time has come . Didn't Molly do that
Speaker 2:In the books? I'm trying to
Speaker 4:Remember. She played bomb shelter.
Speaker 2:Yeah . Bomb shelter with Emily. The , with the British girl . God, that was real bad. Molly? No , Molly <laugh> . Alright ,
Speaker 4:We are powering through this. We've , uh, had some made some tough decisions where in week six. This is based on an early season of survivor. Survivor season five in Thailand. Um, before we get to our challenge, there's some bonus drama here. Someone forgot to tie up the tribe's canoe from the Mattel tribe.
Speaker 1:It was probably Molly. The
Speaker 4:Boat has drifted away.
Speaker 2:That tribe . They're still gonna Yeah , we all thought
Speaker 4:It was gonna be Kirsten , but uh , she didn't have a canoe to lose so
Speaker 2:She could set it on fire . Udia
Speaker 4:The boat has Claud
Speaker 2:Drifted away Claudia and
Speaker 4:No one Claudia one can get out to catch catch fish. So everyone is pretty mad. So who, who lost the boat? And does everyone know that this person was the one who lost it?
Speaker 2:It was definitely Claudia and she got distracted by something <laugh> . Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I think that they all know it's Claudia. Oh yeah. I think like they probably like assigned it to her and she just was
Speaker 3:Like, yeah. Yes .
Speaker 2:I don't even think Claudia could keep it a secret. I think she would just be like making a bunch of excuses and trying to blame somebody else . <laugh> .
Speaker 4:So how is everyone reacting to this?
Speaker 3:Wait in any of the books that we've read, has someone talked about being good at nodding?
Speaker 2:Um, the Jacob have I loved. Oh, okay. She's not in this. Okay , okay.
Speaker 1:Oh , would've been a good one. Yeah,
Speaker 5:She would've been probably very
Speaker 2:Good at Molly may have made some knots or something at camp. I don't remember, but I don't think anybody that's left on the Mattel side is okay. Okay. Well Kane knows because she she did it at the stations. Right?
Speaker 3:All right . Yeah. She would've never left . Definitely Kane
Speaker 1:Would've , Kane would be like, I never would've made this mistake. This is why we don't let you do things. She's like , this is why I'm the leader.
Speaker 2:<laugh> .
Speaker 5:She's like , this is how you die. <laugh> in the arena . Children. All
Speaker 4:Right . So Claudia did it . Everyone's pretty annoyed at her.
Speaker 2:Sounds
Speaker 4:Like that . Yeah . All right . So the challenge this week is for a Thai feast and immunity. Um, and this is like a game of strategy. So there's 21 flags placed in a circle, alternating turns. The tribes can gather one, two or three flags at a time . So it's kinda like chess or what's that game? There's another game that's kind of based on , um, but the goal is to be the , the tribe to get the last remaining flag and the tribe that gets that flag wins immunity. So you have to be strategic about how many
Speaker 2:Are gonna grab . It's gonna be pleasant, I would think. For sure. Like this is very much Nancy and Ann's kinda Mm ,
Speaker 1:Yeah . Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . I
Speaker 2:Definitely see that thing and I don't see anybody on the other side where that's really their mm-Hmm mm-Hmm . <affirmative> deal. Okay. So Pleasant wins this one.
Speaker 4:Clear domination by pleasant. Yeah , it's like embarrassing <laugh> Mattel doesn't even know what happened. They're just getting three the whole time thinking That'll work.
Speaker 2:Claudia is just arguing still about the boat. Yeah . <laugh> .
Speaker 4:The math is not matting. Um, okay.
Speaker 2:I know, I forgot. Claudia's bad at math too. <laugh> a lot of problems on that team ness is uneducated. Addie's uneducated. Claudia's terrible at math. Felicity's only learned about tea .
Speaker 4:Alright , so , um,
Speaker 5:Limited utility in the setting .
Speaker 2:It's all Cassie.
Speaker 4:So metal's going to tribal council and everyone remembers very angry at Claudia, Claudia for losing the boat . Um, so are there any idols played? Is Kaus gonna play her idol or is she feeling
Speaker 2:Secure? She doesn't need to. Yeah,
Speaker 4:She's feeling good. Who gets voted out?
Speaker 2:Claudia.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's, they're probably like, that was a huge mistake.
Speaker 5:It's hard to come back from losing the canoe. Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah. And she hasn't really been helping them in , in
Speaker 2:Challenges and everyone else gonna get along too. Like, I don't see there being a lot of friction between the other four. So
Speaker 4:She probably was also weird during all the pastry. We didn't talk about the pastry bar reward, but she probably was weird about it and she probably did sneak some food back in a way that people didn't like or she talked about it a lot. Like people don't, like
Speaker 2:She just made everyone hungry . When you talk about constantly talking about the pastry,
Speaker 1:Like we get it , we're all hungry, <laugh>,
Speaker 5:Was this pastry bar large enough for everyone? Or was this a single like, like a single person? It's
Speaker 4:Usually an absurd number of, of items that like they can't possibly eat or they all eat so much that they get sick and then they regret it.
Speaker 5:Oh, so like a pastry bar? Like it's a bar filled A bar,
Speaker 4:Like a buffet
Speaker 5:Bar . I , I was imagining like
Speaker 23:Pastry bar
Speaker 5:Into like a sliver . You get like a finger , like a pinky finger worth of like pastry, a lemon square . That's a pretty crappy prize for all this work that you're doing.
Speaker 4:All right . So Claudia's going home. Yeah . How's she reacting? What's she saying in her? Uh, her
Speaker 2:Fine . I didn't wanna play this game anyway. Like Yeah , she'll just be,
Speaker 23:I'm gonna go home and eat some real food.
Speaker 2:Yeah, totally.
Speaker 4:Alright guys, well good news. It is week seven. It is Time Merge to merge our tribes.
Speaker 23:Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion.
Speaker 2:Well that's it for this episode of these books. Made me join us next season when we'll discuss books. <laugh> , if you think we know which books we're tackling next season, follow us on Instagram. We're at these books, made me and drop a comment on our guest our next season post. If you think we totally botch this season of Survivor, let us know on our Instagram <laugh> ,
Speaker 4:If you think there's another reality show we should drop these characters into. Also let us know that
Speaker 2:These are children we're not doing love Islands,
Speaker 23:<laugh>.