These Books Made Me
These Books Made Me
Bonus Episode: Dr. Mike Duncan discusses the science in A Wrinkle in Time
We couldn't decide what genre A Wrinkle in Time was but we definitely considered science fiction. To further explore our genre-confusion, we decided to talk to an expert about the actual math and science in A Wrinkle in Time. Is it fuzzy math? Is it fantasy? Is breathing flowers in an oxygen starved atmosphere really just a 1960s fever dream? We find out when we talk to Dr. Mike Duncan, an optical physicist with decades of experience and a personal connection to our book.
These Books Made Me is a podcast about the literary heroines who shaped us and is a product of the Prince George's County Memorial Library System podcast network. Stay in touch with us via Twitter @PGCMLS with #TheseBooksMadeMe or by email at TheseBooksMadeMe@pgcmls.info. For recommended readalikes and deep dives into topics related to each episode, visit our blog at https://pgcmls.medium.com/.